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What and Why

What is ember-forge-ui?

Ember.js UI Components that are independent of any CSS framework for their implementation.

Guidance is provided on how to extend these components for use with your favorite CSS framework.

Why this approach?

Provides a consistent API and behavior for the components regardless of the specifics of any one CSS framework.

This allows you to be excited about the functionality of the components without being disappointed that they only work with one CSS framework.

How is this architected?

This repo provides the unstyled components.

For each CSS framework desired to be supported the guidance is to create two additional, separate repos. The first repo will map all of ember-forge-ui's functionality to the equivalent capabilities in the CSS framework. The second repo will fill in the gaps between ember-forge-ui's provided functionality and the gaps in what the CSS framework's repo was able to support.

Additionally, the CSS framework repo is recommended to be named ember-forge-ui-FRAMEWORK_NAME where "FRAMEWORK_NAME" is the name of the CSS framework the components are being styled as and the second repo to be named ember-forge-ui-FRAMEWORK_NAME-polyfill.


ember-forge-ui provides the following components:

  • ef-list
  • ef-list-divider
  • ef-list-group-header
  • ef-list-header
  • ef-list-item

ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4 provides a Twitter Bootstrap 4 implementation of these components, but only for:

  • ef-list
  • ef-list-item

because these are the only concepts that Twitter Bootstrap 4 offers natively. They do not have any out-of-the-box experience for list headers, group headers, or dividers.

ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4-polyfill fills in the gaps between the full offering of ember-forge-ui and the partial implementation of ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4 by implementing these components in a Twitter Bootstrap 4 compatible way:

  • ef-list-divider
  • ef-list-group-header
  • ef-list-header

What "Twitter Bootstrap 4 compatible way" means is that the addon does not introduce new Twitter Bootstrap 4 capabilities but rather applies existing Twitter Bootstrap 4 concepts and stylings to these components.

So for further example, these 3 components have either the class of list-group-item or nav-item added to them by the ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4-polyfill addon dependent on the context in which the list is being used because those are the only Twitter Bootstrap 4 concepts that can be applied to these components. Doing so aligns them with the classes that Twitter Bootstrap 4 applies to <li> elements in lists.

So how do I use this then?

Use an existing companion addon

If you have found a companion addon you wish to use, such as ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4, which you do not wish to make any modifications to you simply only need to:

  1. ember install ember-forge-ui
  2. ember install <companion addon name>

Create your own companion addon

There are a few items to keep in mind when creating your own companion addon, which are listed below.

NPM dependencies

  • Move ember-cli-htmlbars dependency from devDependencies to dependencies in package.json

Adding new components

When adding a new component that does not exist in the ember-forge-ui addon (this one) create a component in the usual Ember manner. For example:

// addon/components/ef-new-component.js

export default Ember.Component.extend({

You are STRONGLY encouraged to create new components within the ef- namespace to provide consistency when using the ember-forge-ui ecosystem. See the "How is this architected?" section for more details.

Extending existing components

Template changes only

If the only changes you wish to make to an existing component are template changes then you need only define a .hbs template file and the changes will be picked up automatically.

Component logic changes

attributeBindings, classNames, and classNameBindings

There is nothing special that must be done to modify these values and the normal Ember approaches can be used. Since this might be an area developers may not be as familiar with we have provided several examples below illustrating these approaches.

Removing already-applied attributeBindings

  • The Ember.js Guides describe how setting the bound attribute property to a null value will cause the attribute to be cleared.
  • Can also use this code: this.get( 'attributeBindings' ).removeObject( attributeProperty );

Removing already-applied classNames

  • Can use this code: this.get( 'classNames' ).removeObject( className );

Removing already-applied classNameBindings

  • Set the binding value to false if the property is a Boolean value
  • Redefine the computed property returning the bound value if the property is a computed property
  • Can also use this code: this.get( 'classNameBindings' ).removeObject( classNameBinding );

Extend an existing companion addon

There are a few items to keep in mind when extending an existing companion addon, which are listed below.

NPM dependencies

The same instructions in the "NPM Dependencies" section apply here as well.

Addon configuration


In the package.json file set your companion addon to run after whichever existing companion addon you are extending, such as

"ember-addon": {
  "after": "existing-companion-addon-extending"


In the blueprints/name-of-your-companion-addon/index.js file define the afterInstall() method such as either of the following:

afterInstall: function() {
  return this.addAddonToProject( 'existing-companion-addon-extending', '1.3.0' );
afterInstall: function() {
  return this.addAddonsToProject([
    { name: 'existing-companion-addon-extending', version: '^1.0.1' },
    { name: 'some-other-addon', version: '^2.1.0' }

The version numbers in these examples are illustrative only.

Adding new components

The same instructions in the "Adding New Components" section apply here as well.

Extending existing components

The same instructions in the "Extending Existing Components" section apply here as well.


Application with ember-forge-ui and ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4 installed

Demonstrates that the combination of ember-forge-ui and a companion addon such as ember-forge-ui-bootstrap4 allows for:

  • the use of a component defined in ember-forge-ui with the content of its rendered template provided by a companion addon
  • the extension of a component defined in ember-forge-ui by a companion addon


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