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Ember Host Manager

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Host management solution for ambitious Ember applications


  • Easily manage different host configurations
    • Specify different API settings
    • Declare feature flags for specific hosts / environments
    • and much more!
  • Access the current host config anywhere in your app
  • Host override allows you to grab your host name from anywhere
  • Fallback config if nothing matches
  • Test configuration
    • Simple mirage integration


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If it is a bug please open an issue on GitHub.


Hosts Configuration

When you install this addon, a config/hosts.js file will be created which will hold all the different hosts and their configurations.

It will look something like this:

module.exports = function(/* environment */) {
  return {
      If present, the host configuration will be pulled based on the given
      ex) `APP_HOST=myapp.com ember s`
    //hostOverride: process.env.APP_HOST,
      If the host doesn't resolve to any of the defined configs here,
      this will be the config used
    'default': {},
      This is the host config that will be used in the test environment
    'test': {}

Lets add some host configurations for our dev and prod environments.

module.exports = function(/* environment */) {
  return {
    /* Fallback to prod */
    'default': {
      apiHost: 'http://myapp.prod.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'
    /* Use mirage in tests with `api` namespace */
    'test': {
      apiHost: '',
      apiNamespace: 'api'
      Dev Hosts
      These must be added to /etc/hosts and mapped
      to localhost
    'dev.myapp.com:4200': {
      apiHost: 'http://myapp.dev.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'
    'stg.myapp.com:4200': {
      apiHost: 'http://myapp.stg.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'
    'prod.myapp.com:4200': {
      apiHost: 'http://myapp.prod.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'
    /* Production Hosts */
    'myapp.com' {
      apiHost: 'http://myapp.prod.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'
    'myapp.com:443' {
      apiHost: 'https://myapp.prod.api/',
      apiNamespace: 'v2'

Note: You will need to add the following to your /etc/hosts config to get the dev hosts to work. Once done, you can open your browser and navigate to any of the 3 specified hosts which will then use their appropriate config.

# MyApp Dev Environments 
localhost dev.myapp.com
localhost stg.myapp.com
localhost prod.myapp.com

Accessing the Host Config

There are two ways you can access the current host config:

1. Import

// Get the current host
import host from 'ember-host-manager';
// Get all available hosts
import { hosts } from 'ember-host-manager'

1. Service

// adapters/application.js
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
  // Inject the hostManager service
  hostManager: Ember.inject.service(),
  // hostManager.host has the config for the current host
  host: computed.readOnly('hostManager.host.apiHost'),
  namespace: computed.readOnly('hostManager.host.apiNamespace')

The Host Manager Service

The Host Manager service not only gives you access to the current host via the host property, but allows you to get any host config via the getHost method.

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  hostManager: Ember.inject.service(),
  init() {
    const prodHost = this.get('hostManager').getHost('myapp.com');
    this.set('someProp', prodHost.get('someProp'));


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