
1.7.3 • Public • Published


An un-opinionated file template CLI system that works with syntax inspired by a Emmet

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Getting started


  • Download and install Node.js.
  • Before emmet-gen can be used, it should be initialized with the command
npx emmet-gen init
  • emmet-gen can be used in any sub-directory. emmet-gen will search up the file tree for emmet-gen-template.json.



  • Emmet-gen will use the templates in the emmet-gen-template directory.
  • Every directory at the top level of the emmet-gen-template is a template route.
  • The name of the template will be the name used as a class or id.
  • Any name or text within a file with __TemplateName__ will be replaced by the tag of the template.
  • Each template must contain exactly 1 directory or file at the top.
  • Directories can have any amount of files and subdirectories.



  • Emmet-gen with parse a string argument with emmet-like syntax.
  • It should be noted depending on your terminal shell you will have to escape some special characters.
  • Here are the following syntax supported by emmet-gen using bash.

Child: >

makes the following tag a child

npx emmet-gen hello\>world

Sibling: +

add the following tag as a sibling

npx emmet-gen hello+world

Climb-up: ^

directs the following tag up the tree

npx emmet-gen hello\>to+the^world

Item numbering: $

Multiplication: *

multiplies a tag NOTE: items multiplied must have $ numbering to prevent overwriting each other

npx emmet-gen hello\>world\$\*5

Multiplication initial count: @

multiplies a tag starting from a count

npx emmet-gen hello\>world\$\@5*10

ID: #

sets the template of the preceding tag

npx emmet-gen hello\>world#file


sets the template of the preceding tag and subsequent templates.

npx emmet-gen hello.file

Replace Contents: [target="substitute"]

replaces target text within a file with the substitute text NOTE: substitute must be wrapped in double quotes

npx emmet-gen hello[log=\"error\"]

empty: /

mark the following tag as an empty directory. If chained a tag will make the directory a child. Empty tags will not influence the template inheritance.

npx emmet-gen /hello/world

Grouping: ()

wraps tags. Can be used with multiply.

npx emmet-gen hello\>\(to\$+the\$+world\$\)\*5

  • emmet commands will by default create templates relative terminal's working directory.
  • This can be changed in the emmet-gen-template.json by "relative": false, and the default directory will be absolutely bound to the directory which contains the emmet-gen-template.json


  • emmet-gen also can be used to generate index files using es6 importing syntax for JavaScript/Typescript files.
  • If a path isn't specified, emmet-gen will use the current working directory.
npx emmet-gen index ./hello
  • The --recursive or -r flag can be used to recursively generate index files.
npx emmet-gen index ./hello -r
  • For emmet commands, the --index or -i flag can be used to recursively generate index files for templates.
npx emmet-gen hello\>\(to\$+the\$+world\$\)\*5 -i
  • Index files with be generated without the flag by changing the emmet-gen-template.json by "auto_imports": true,


  • Emmet-gen templates can be saved and retrieved from a local JSON file.
  • The --save or -s flag with create an emmet-save.json with data of your templates and emmet-gen-templates.json in the same directory as the emmet-gen-template.json.
npx emmet-gen init -s
  • The --load or -l flag with read emmet-save.json and generate templates and emmet-gen-templates.json in the working directory.
npx emmet-gen init -l
  • Emmet-gen also supports remote cloud saving and loading as well.
  • Adding a name after the save flag will upload the templates. NOTE: Every template name uploaded is unique and uploading with the same name will overwrite the previous template.
npx emmet-gen init -s nick3point5-example
  • Similarly loading from the cloud will be done if a name is provided.
npx emmet-gen init -l nick3point5-example

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  • nick3point5