Emotion Animation Library is an animation library that allows the creation of complex animations with React that use dynamically changing props using Emotion.
There are two main APIs
: Class. Use one or more of the existing animation presets. -
: React Hook. Create a custom animation using the existing presets or scaffold a completely new animation. This is powerful as this can be used to create a Wrapper component
Class: - name
<string | string[]>
One or more presets
To use one of the presets, simply use:
import { Animate } from 'emotionaljs';
const { animation } = new Animation('fadeIn');
const StyledTooltip = styled(Button)({ theme }) => ({
display: 'relative',
'& > .Button:hover': {
To use multiple presets, chain them as follows:
import { Animate } from 'emotionaljs';
const { animation } = new Animation('fadeIn', 'fadeOut');
const StyledTooltip = styled(Button)({ theme }) => ({
display: 'relative',
'& > .Button:hover': {
Hook: import { useAnimate } from 'emotionaljs';
const animation = useAnimate({
enter: 'fadeIn',
enterFrom: undefined,
enterTo: undefined,
enterDuration: 0.2, // in seconds
enterTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
enterDelay: 0, // in seconds
enterFillMode: 'forwards',
enterDirection: 'reverse',
enterIterationCount: 1,
exit: 'fadeOut',
exitFrom: undefined,
exitTo: undefined,
exitDuration: 0.2, // in seconds
exitTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)'
exitDelay: 0, // in seconds
exitFillMode: 'forwards',
exitDirection: 'reverse',
exitIterationCount: 1,
Design Patterns
- Using with CSS-in-JS
- Chaining animations with pre-built presets
- Complex custom animations
- Using as a Wrapper Component