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0.9.21 • Public • Published


A Vue.js library that holds the core functional logic of a dapp on the MultiversX (formerly Elrond)

Live demo

To see plugin source code, check the erdjs-vue directory in current repo.

To see demo source code, check the src directory in current repo.


erdjs-vue is inspired from dapp-core. We're using Pinia to replace redux.

It's work in progress, current version includes login functionality & signing transactions. More to be added in near future.

Use issues section to report bugs or suggest feature requests.

Contributions are welcome - PR from your branch

Project Setup

npm install erdjs-vue

Using with vue3

import { erdjsVue } from 'erdjs-vue';

// Create app.
const app = createApp(App)

// Init erdjs-vue.
// Options
const erdjsOptions = {
  loadCss: false,
  chain: 'devnet',

// Network config.
const customNetworkConfig = {
  walletConnectV2ProjectId: import.meta.env.VITE_VUE_APP_WC_PROJECT_ID || ''

// App config like webview provider, callbackRoute, logoutRoute, etc.
const appConfig = {
  shouldUseWebViewProvider: true,
  extensionLogin: {
    nativeAuth: true
  ledgerLogin: {
    nativeAuth: true

const erdjs = erdjsVue(erdjsOptions, customNetworkConfig, appConfig);

// Mount app.

Important: Wallet Connect V2 Project ID is required, make sure to generate one here:

If you're loading Pinia before init erdjsVue, then you'll have to pass it as param to make sure it's not loaded again in our plugin:

import { erdjsVue } from 'erdjs-vue';
import { createPinia } from 'pinia';

// Create app.
const app = createApp(App)

// Pinia init.
const pinia = createPinia();

// Init erdjs-vue.
const erdjs = erdjsVue(erdjsOptions, customNetworkConfig, appConfig);

// Mount app.

For styling, we've added bootstrap classes in our components. If you want to apply styling, you'll have to import bootstrap in your app. In the main css/scss file:

// Add bootstrap to our styles 
@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

There is one mandatory component to be loaded:

<ErdjsFooter />

It will display the sign transaction modal and transaction status toasts. Tx Modal

Toast pending tx

Toast successful tx

To display login page, use the following component:

<ErdjsLogin />

Login page

Transactions can be signed with Global property $erdjs as follows:

const tx = {
    value: '100000000000000000',
    data: 'ping',
    receiver: 'erd1g5dqap37a650g564nsehjwxd9m3pzgxla83pcd3w7f5s8lgxq9eq3g884u'

this.$erdjs.dapp.sendTransaction(tx).then(({ sessionId, error }) => {
    if (error) { 

Get current network config:


Logout current user/wallet:


Get Pinia stores: getDappStore, getAccountStore, getLoginInfoStore, getNotificationsStore, getProviderStore, getToastsStore, getTransactionsStore, getTransactionsInfoStore; Probably you'll not need all of them, but it's good to have them available.

Few examples on how to use Pinia getters to retrieve user/account data:

  • check if user is logged in this.$erdjs.dapp.getLoginInfoStore().isLoggedIn
  • get account address this.$erdjs.dapp.getAccountStore().getAddress
  • get account balance this.$erdjs.dapp.getAccountStore().getAccountBalance
  • get account nonce this.$erdjs.dapp.getAccountStore().getAccountNonce
  • get account this.$erdjs.dapp.getAccountStore().getAccount will return type of AccountType
  • get network config this.$erdjs.dapp.getDappStore().getNetworkConfig
  • get network chain id this.$erdjs.dapp.getDappStore().getChainId
  • get network api address this.$erdjs.dapp.getDappStore().getApiAddress
  • get egld label this.$erdjs.dapp.getDappStore().getEgldLabel (EGLD, xEGLD, etc)
  • get login method this.$erdjs.dapp.getLoginInfoStore().getLoginMethod (extension, walletconnect, etc)

Login card component

Display login card components in your app:

<ErdjsLoginCard class="my-4">
    <template #title><h4 class="mb-3 text-center text-primary">Web 3.0 Login</h4></template>
    <template #description><p class="text-center">Sign in with MultiversX wallet.</p></template>
    <template #extension>Extension</template>
    <template #ledger>Ledger</template>
    <template #webwallet>Web Wallet</template>
    <template #maiarapp>Maiar App</template>

Explorer links

If you need to build explorer links, there are 2 methods available: explorerUrlBuilder and getExplorerLink

Working example:

import { explorerUrlBuilder, getExplorerLink } from "erdjs-vue";

const to = explorerUrlBuilder.accountDetails(erdjs.dapp.getAccountStore().address);

return getExplorerLink({
    explorerAddress: String(erdjs.dapp.getNetworkConfig().explorerAddress),
    to: to

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