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0.1.1 • Public • Published

ES4X Cli

This is a helper dev package to work with Eclipse Vert.x JS/TS projects.

Included scripts:

  • init
  • postinstall
  • launcher
  • shell


Init the ES4X scripts section in the current package.json usually used with npx:

npm es4x-cli init


Postinstall will bootstrap a pom.xml file from the package.json. The maven pom file can be customized by supplying a handlebars template named .pom.xml.

By default both groupId and artifactId will map to the package json name property, the version will map to the version property and the main verticle will map to the main property.

All entries in files will be added to the final fatJar with the caveat that directories must be sufixed with / so maven can understand how to handle it.

In order to use this script in your project you should have init'ed your package.json.

You can add normal dependencies as normal too.


This script will delegate to vert.x launcher, it will invoke the command you want to run and pass all arguments to it.

There are a couple of helper.

  • -d will start the JVM in debug mode listening on port 9797
  • -t will use the test classpath instead of the runtime classpath

When no arguments are passed the main verticle is derived from the package.json main property. When the test classpath is enabled then this value is suffixed by .test.js.

An example running tests would be after adding vertx-unit to the devDependencies:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "es4x launcher test -v"
  "devDependencies": {
    "es4x-cli": "*",
    "@vertx/unit": "3.5.3"
  "dependencies": {
    "@vertx/core": "3.5.3"


You can run your code from a shell by executing the command:

es4x shell

or if you package your application into a java jar file:

java -jar your-jar.jar io.reactiverse.es4x.Shell


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