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6.0.0 • Public • Published


esbehavior is a framework for writing executable documentation. It works best with Typescript.

Use esbehavior to describe the behaviors of your program. Each behavior consists of one or more examples that together illustrate what you want to describe. Each example can consist of some conditions, some steps, and some effects. esbehavior runs each example and generates a report that indicates which examples were valid and which were invalid.

esbehavior sounds like a test framework. Why do we need another test framework?

esbehavior provides a domain specific language for writing executable documentation that helps you structure your tests in a consistent way.

The hope is that this domain specific language results in documentation that is easier to read and easier to update. It's also meant to be flexible, allowing documentation authors to tailor and extend the DSL so that it is easy to describe behaviors specific to their app.

esbehavior encourages documentation authors to model their examples in terms of small, reusable functions, and to describe, with human readable phrases, each part of their examples -- the presuppositions that must be true for it to run, the actions that are performed, as well as the effects that should be observed.

In addition, esbehavior discourages some testing practices that tend to make test suites more complicated: nested examples and shared state between examples.

Getting Started

$ npm install --save-dev esbehavior


Here's an example:

const appBehavior =
  behavior("the app shows things", [
    example({ init: () => new TestApp() })
      .description("a particular case")
        suppose: [
          fact("there are things", (app) => app.setThings(["a", "b", "c"]))
          fact("the app is loaded", (app) => app.start())
        perform: [
          step("the user clicks", (app) => app.doClick())
        observe: [
          effect("things are shown", (app) => {
            expect(app.display.things).to.equal(["a", "b", "c"])


Each behavior is made up of one or more examples. Each example has an optional context, an optional description, and a script.

The context is initialized at the start of an example and passed to each function in the script. Use the context to store any state for this exmple. A teardown function can be provided, which will run at the end of the example.

The script is a sequence of Claims; each claim has a description and a function that takes the context as an argument and returns void or Promise<void>. esbehavior will wait for any returned promise to resolve before evaluating the next claim.

There are three types of claims: Presuppositions, Actions, and Observations. esbehavior exposes fact, step, and effect functions to generate these types of claims. You can group these for more complex claims using situation, procedure, and outcome, respectively.

A script is organized into three parts, each of which is optional. suppose specifies one or more Presuppositions that should be validated first, perform specifies one or more Actions that are executed as part of the example, and observe specifies one or more Observations that should be true as a result of performing the steps. Use andThen to chain multiple scripts as part of one example.

If any exception is thrown when executing a Presupposition or a Action, then the example is considered invalid, an error will be reported, and the remainder of the script will be skipped. By contrast, an attempt will be made to check each Observation, no matter if doing so results in an exception. So, a single example can have multiple invalid observations.

Generally speaking, Observation functions make assertions about the state of things, but you can include assertions in conditions and steps, as well, if it makes sense to do so.

Use any assertion library you like (great-expectations, chai, power assert, proclaim, node assert, etc).

esbehavior can run in node or the browser.

esbehavior works well with Typescript; type hints should (hopefully) provide some documentation of the dsl.

For more examples, see the tests.

Running Behaviors

esbehavior is just a framework for writing executable documentation in terms of behaviors and examples. In order to validate the behaviors you write, you'll need to write a 'runner' script that gathers the appropriate behaviors and passes them to the validate function, which will then run all the examples for each behavior and print the results to the console.

This 'runner' script could be executed with node, or it could be executed in a browser context.

Here's a sample with behaviors evaluated in node -- note the runner file at esbehavior/samples/node/specs/runner.ts -- and here's a sample for a React app with behaviors evaluated in a browser -- with the runner file at esbehavior/samples/react/specs/runner.mjs.

Running particular examples only; Skipping examples

You can use run particular examples only like so:

behavior("my behavior", [
  (m) => m.pick() && example()
    .script({ ... })

You can also skip particular examples like so:

behavior("my behavior", [
  (m) => m.skip() && example()
    .script({ ... })

Running particular behaviors only; Skipping Behaviors

You can run particular behaviors like so:

(m) => m.pick() && behavior("my behavior", [
    .script({ ... })

This will run only those examples belonging to the picked behaviors, except those that are explicitly skipped.

You can skip a behavior like so:

(m) => m.skip() && behavior("my behavior", [
    .script({ ... })

This will skip all examples belonging to the skipped behaviors, even those that are explicitly picked.

Source Map Support

Depending on how your behaviors are transpiled or where they are validated (in node or the browser) you may find that you need to install support for source maps so that stack traces provide the correct line numbers.

If you run esbehavior with typescript in node, then ts-node has built in support for source maps.

If you run esbehavior in the browser, check out source-map-support.

Public API

Creating a Behavior

behavior(description: string, examples: ConfigurableExample[]): Behavior

This function generates a behavior with some description and some list of examples. A Behavior is just data -- a description and an array of ConfigurableExample; this function is for convenience.

A ConfigurableExample is an Example or a function that takes ExampleOptions and returns an Example.

An ExampleOptions is an object that exposes pick and skip methods, which support validating a particular example only or ignoring it, respectively.

In practice, this looks like:

behavior("my behavior", [
    .description("example one")
    .script({ ... }),
  (m) => m.pick() && example()
    .description("example two")
    .script({ ... })

which will only validate anotherExample. We suggest following the format here (ie, using the && to have the function return the generated Example) to avoid the need for braces around the example definition or reference with picking or skipping it.

Creating an Example

An Example is just an object that implements the following interface:

interface Example {
  validate(reporter: Reporter, options: ExampleValidationOptions): Promise<Summary>
  skip(reporter: Reporter, options: ExampleValidationOptions): Promise<Summary>

esbehavior provides a default implementation of Example that should serve well for most use cases. According to the default implementation, an Example is composed of a script and an optional description. A Script describes the flow of the example. First, you may need to suppose that certain things are true. Next, you may need to perform certain actions. Finally, you will need to observe that certain things are the case. A Script is just an object that organizes all these claims.

In addition to the Script, an example may specify a Context. The Context is an object with an init function that generates a value that will be passed to each claim in the script. The Context is initialized at the start of the example, and cleaned up at the end, via an optional teardown function (no matter whether any claims fail in the meantime). Use a Context value to store any state that the example might need. For example, the context might just be a holder that stores values computed during one part of the script and observed later. Or, the context might initialize a browser context, provide a reference to it throughout the script, and then destroy it at the end.


A context is an object that conforms to this interface:

interface Context<T> {
  init: () => T | Promise<T>
  teardown?: (context: T) => void | Promise<void>

The init method is called at the start of the example, and the generated value is passed to each claim that's part of the script. No matter what happens during the script, if the teardown method is defined, it will be called at the end of the example. If the init method or the teardown method fails, then the validation run will be terminated.

Encapsulate reusable dependencies for tests in Contexts and provide them to other Contexts via useWithContext:

useWithContext<D extends Record<string, Context<any>>>(dependencies: D): <T>(ctx: Context<T, ContextValues<D>>) => Context<T> {

Use this function to create a function that provides dependencies to a Context upon initialization. For example, suppose you have a function browserContext() that produces a Context<WebBrowser> that manages a reference to a web browser instance. You can create contexts that use this context like so:

const useBrowser = useWithContext({ browser: browserContext() })

const myContext = useBrowser({
  init: ({ browser }) => {
    // browser is the initialized value of the Context<WebBrowser>

example<T>(context?: Context<T>): Fluent Example builder API

Use this function to start the construction of an example. Provide a context, if necessary. This function results in an object that progressively exposes the API for building an Example. If you use Typescript, the auto-completion in your editor should help you understand the options; look in the source for details about the types. In general, example creation will follow this pattern:

  .description("my description") // optional
    suppose: [ ... ], // presuppositions
    perform: [ ... ], // actions
    observe: [ ... ], // observations
    // another script if necessary

This will result in an Example that can then be passed to the behavior function defined above.

None of the method calls here are necessary, but if you want the resulting example to actually be validated, you must provide at least one script.

Use the andThen method to add another script to an example. This is useful for more complicated examples that might involve observations at multiple stages.

Creating a Script

A script is an object that conforms to this interface:

interface Script<T> {
  suppose?: Array<Presupposition<T>>
  perform?: Array<Action<T>>
  observe?: Array<Observation<T>>

fact<T>(description: string, validate: (context: T) => void | Promise<void>): Presupposition<T>

Create a presupposition for the suppose section of a Script.

situation<T>(description: string, presuppositions: Presupposition<T>[]): Presupposition<T>

Combine presuppositions into a group that has its own description. Useful for describing complicated setups.

step<T>(description: string, validate: (context: T) => void | Promise<void>): Action<T>

Create an action for the perform section of a Script.

procedure<T>(descripion: string, steps: Action<T>[]): Action<T>

Combine actions into a group that has its own description. Useful for describing complicated actions.

effect<T>(description: string, validate: (context: T) => void | Promise<void>): Observation<T>

Create an observation for the observe section of a Script.

outcome<T>(description: string, effects: Observation<T>[]): Observation<T>

Combine observations into a group that has its own description. Useful for describing complication assertions.

Setup and Teardown for a Behavior

If you need to do any setup or teardown for each example in a behavior, you should put this logic in a Context and supply it to each example. Sometimes, however, you may find that you want to do setup or teardow operations for the Behavior as a whole. For example, suppose there is a containerized database that will be exercised by all the examples in a behavior, and suppose it is slow to start and stop this container for each example. In this case, you can use behaviorContxt to generate a Context that handles the setup and teardown logic for the behavior as a whole.

behaviorContext(context: Context<T>): Context<T>

Generate a Context based on the provided context. The generated Context will be initialized the first time it is referenced. The teardown function will be called at the end of the behavior, after all examples have been completed or skipped.

Validating Behaviors

validate(behaviors: ConfigurableBehavior[], options: ValidationOptions): Promise<Summary>

This function validates a list of configurable behaviors and returns a promise that resolves to a summary. Use the DSL functions to create Behaviors.

A ConfigurableBehavior is a Behavior or a function that takes BehaviorOptions and returns a Behavior.

A BehaviorOptions is an object that exposes pick and skip methods, which support validating a particular behavior only or ignoring it, respectively.


The ValidationOptions are:

  reporter?: Reporter, // By default this is StandardReporter
  failFast?: boolean, // By default this is false
  order?: OrderProvider, // By default this is a random order with a generated seed


You can use the reporter option to pass in a Reporter to use during validation. There are two options at the moment:

  1. StandardReporter -- This reporter will be used by default if none is specified. It prints nicely formatted output to the console. By default, it will print the duration of any claims that take longer than 100ms. This value can be changed by providing your own instance of StandardReporter -- with the slowClaim option set to whatever you want -- to the validate function. Set the NO_COLOR environment variable to a non-empty value to disable ANSI codes in the reporter output.
  2. TAPReporter -- This reporter prints TAP formatted output to the console. Use this to tie into the larger ecosystem of tools that use TAP, which includes other reporters (tap-spec, tap-mocha-reporter, tap-difflet, etc) as well as other tools.

You could also provide your own implementation of the Reporter interface.


If this option is set then the validation run will stop after the first invalid claim. The remainder of the current example and remaining examples will be skipped. No more output will be generated, but the summary will contain the total number of claims skipped.


Use this option to specify how behaviors, examples, and observations should be ordered. Other elements of examples -- like presuppositions, actions, and scripts -- will be run in their given order since these may depend on being run in a particular order. Behaviors, examples, and observations should not depend on being run in any particular order, and so by default esbehavior will run these in a random order. Hopefully this will help to identify any shared state or other hidden dependencies among examples.

If you need to reproduce the ordering of a validation run, note the seed that is printed out by the standard reporter and use that to configure the random order to use that seed like so:

validate(myBehaviors, {
  order: randomOrder(seed)

You can also use the defaultOrder() function to generate an OrderProvider that runs Behaviors, Examples, and Observations in the order given by the test suite files.

If none of these options is suitable, you can provide your own implementation of OrderProvider.

Extending esbehavior

esbehavior is a framework for writing executable documentation, and this means that it is meant to be easy to extend or tailor to your specific use case. Here are some ways to do so:

Provide your own Example implementation

An Example is just an object that conforms to a particular interface that tells esbehavior how to validate or skip it. So, you could provide your own implementation of the Example interface to provide an entirely distinct way of describing the behaviors of your application.

Provide your own function that generates an Example

The easiest way to extend esbehavior is to provide your own function that generates an example. For example, you could write xunit-style tests with a function like this:

function test(description: string, block: () => void) {
  return new example()
      observe: [
        effect(description, () => {

So the behavior would look like:

behavior("my behavior", [
  test("some test", () => {
    const value = computeTheValue()
    expect(value, is(equalTo(7)))

Or, if you are providing examples of some pure function, you might want to provide a function that computes the value of the function, and then a list of observations about the result.

In that case, you might write a function that creates an example that uses a Context that can store a value. Then, as part of the perform step, the function under test would be executed and the return value would be stored in the context. Then we map the given observation functions and pass the computed value to them:

interface PureFunctionScript<T> {
  check: Array<Observation<T>>

class ValueContext<T> {
  private _value: T | undefined

  set(value: T) {
    this._value = value

  get(): T {
    return this._value!

export function test<T>(description: string, subject: () => T, script: PureFunctionScript<T>) {
  return example<ValueContext<T>>({ init: () => new ValueContext() })
      perform: [
        step("the function is executed", (context) => {
      observe: => {
        return effect(property.description, (context) => {

Then we could write behaviors like so:

behavior("some behavior", [
  test("when the argument is odd", () => someFunction(27), {
    check: [
      effect("the return value is even", (value) => {

Using this method, you should be able to craft the DSL that makes the most sense for describing the behavior of your system.




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