This version of eslint-webpack-plugin only works with webpack 5. For the webpack 4, see the 2.x branch.
This plugin uses eslint
to find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
To begin, you'll need to install eslint-webpack-plugin
npm install eslint-webpack-plugin --save-dev
yarn add -D eslint-webpack-plugin
pnpm add -D eslint-webpack-plugin
You also need to install
eslint >= 8
from npm, if you haven't already:
npm install eslint --save-dev
yarn add -D eslint
pnpm add -D eslint
Then add the plugin to your webpack config. For example:
const ESLintPlugin = require('eslint-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [new ESLintPlugin(options)],
// ...
You can pass eslint options.
The config option you provide will be passed to the
class. This is a different set of options than what you'd specify inpackage.json
. See the eslint docs for more details.
In eslint-webpack-plugin version 1 the options were passed to the now deprecated CLIEngine.
- Type:
type cache = boolean;
- Default:
The cache is enabled by default to decrease execution time.
- Type:
type cacheLocation = string;
- Default:
Specify the path to the cache location. Can be a file or a directory.
- Type:
type configType = 'flat' | 'eslintrc';
- Default:
Specify the type of configuration to use with ESLint.
is the classic configuration format available in most ESLint versions. -
is the new format introduced in ESLint 8.21.0.
The new configuration format is explained in its own documentation.
- Type:
type context = string;
- Default:
A string indicating the root of your files.
- Type:
type eslintPath = string;
- Default:
Path to eslint
instance that will be used for linting. If the eslintPath
is a folder like a official eslint, or specify a formatter
option. now you don't have to install eslint
- Type:
type extensions = string | Array<string>;
- Default:
Specify extensions that should be checked.
- Type:
type exclude = string | Array<string>;
- Default:
Specify the files and/or directories to exclude. Must be relative to options.context
- Type:
type resourceQueryExclude = RegExp | Array<RegExp>;
- Default:
Specify the resource query to exclude.
- Type:
type files = string | Array<string>;
- Default:
Specify directories, files, or globs. Must be relative to options.context
Directories are traversed recursively looking for files matching options.extensions
File and glob patterns ignore options.extensions
- Type:
type fix = boolean;
- Default:
Will enable ESLint autofix feature.
Be careful: this option will change source files.
- Type:
type formatter = string| (
results: Array<import('eslint').ESLint.LintResult>,
data?: import('eslint').ESLint.LintResultData | undefined
) => string
- Default:
Accepts a function that will have one argument: an array of eslint messages (object). The function must return the output as a string. You can use official eslint formatters.
- Type:
type lintDirtyModulesOnly = boolean;
- Default:
Lint only changed files, skip lint on start.
- Type:
type threads = boolean | number;
- Default:
Will run lint tasks across a thread pool. The pool size is automatic unless you specify a number.
By default the plugin will auto adjust error reporting depending on eslint errors/warnings counts.
You can still force this behavior by using emitError
or emitWarning
- Type:
type emitError = boolean;
- Default:
The errors found will always be emitted, to disable set to false
- Type:
type emitWarning = boolean;
- Default:
The warnings found will always be emitted, to disable set to false
- Type:
type failOnError = boolean;
- Default:
Will cause the module build to fail if there are any errors, to disable set to false
- Type:
type failOnWarning = boolean;
- Default:
Will cause the module build to fail if there are any warnings, if set to true
- Type:
type quiet = boolean;
- Default:
Will process and report errors only and ignore warnings, if set to true
- Type:
type outputReport =
| boolean
| {
filePath?: string | undefined;
| (
| string
| ((
results: Array<import('eslint').ESLint.LintResult>,
data?: import('eslint').ESLint.LintResultData | undefined,
) => string)
| undefined;
- Default:
Write the output of the errors to a file, for example a checkstyle xml file for use for reporting on Jenkins CI.
The filePath
is an absolute path or relative to the webpack config: output.path
You can pass in a different formatter
for the output file,
if none is passed in the default/configured formatter will be used.