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2.0.0 • Public • Published


expo-firebase is still in RC and therefore subject to breaking changings. Be sure to run yarn upgrade and cd ios; pod install when upgrading.

expo-firebase-app provides the base library for interfacing with native Firebase.

Full documentation

Based on RNFirebase by Invertase at invertase/react-native-firebase. View the full react-native-firebase documentation


Now, you need to install the package from npm registry.

npm install expo-firebase-app or yarn add expo-firebase-app



If you're using Cocoapods, add the dependency to your Podfile:

pod 'EXFirebaseApp', path: '../node_modules/expo-firebase-app/ios'

and run pod install.


  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':expo-firebase-app'
    project(':expo-firebase-app').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/expo-firebase-app/android')

    and if not already included

    include ':expo-core'
    project(':expo-core').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/expo-core/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

    api project(':expo-firebase-app')

    and if not already included

    api project(':expo-core')
  3. Include the module in your expo packages: ./android/app/src/main/java/host/exp/exponent/

    * At the top of the file.
    * This is automatically imported with Android Studio, but if you are in any other editor you will need to manually import the module.
    import; // This should be here for all Expo Firebase features. 
    // Later in the file... 
    public List<Package> expoPackages() {
      // Here you can add your own packages. 
      return Arrays.<Package>asList(
        new FirebaseAppPackage() // Include this. 

Getting Started

Expo Firebase is very similar to the Firebase Web SDK.

  • Head over to the Firebase Console
  • Create a new application
  • Create an iOS app
    • If you are testing your app in Expo, you will need to use host.exp.Exponent as the Bundle ID
    • Download the GoogleServices-Info.plist
    • You can skip the rest of the default setup instructions in the console.
    • Convert the .plist to a JSON, you can use a CLI like plist-to-json
    • Run npm install -g plist-to-json to install this tool
    • Now convert the file plist-to-json GoogleService-Info.plist
    • You can now initialize the app using firebase.initializeApp( <json> ) with the JSON you just created.
  • Create an Android app
    • If you are testing your app in Expo, you will need to use host.exp.Exponent as the Package.
    • Download the google-services.json
    • Initialize the app using firebase.initializeApp( <json> ) with the JSON you just downloaded.
  • To use the proper JSON you can use ReactNative.Platform API.{ ios: <json>, android: <json> })

That's all! 💙


Google Sign-In will crash automatically if used in the client, as it now requires the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID to be located in the info.plist

When using a native Firebase app in a dynamic way, you will need to consider that offline persistence, and Auth Tokens may not behave as expected.

Offline persistence will store data relative to the Firebase app. If you were to change the app in reload then this can corrupt or erase the data.

If you create an Auth Token in a native firebase app, then reload with a different firebase app the Auth Token will be invalidated. This is the intended behavior but it is less likely to occur in a native app as you would normally embed the application credentials into the build.


import React from 'react';
import { View, Platform } from 'react-native';
import firebase from 'expo-firebase-app';
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
export default class ExampleView extends React.Component {
  async componentDidMount() {
    // ... initialize firebase app
    await firebase.initializeApp({
        ios: {
          // Native config or plist data as json
        android: {},
  render() {
    return <View />;


The async firebase setup allows for quick and easy debug without detaching, but it is recommended that you use the native initialization when releasing a production build.

This involves adding a google-services.json file to your Android build, and adding the GoogleService-Info.plist to your iOS project.

You cannot change your Firebase project's Bundle ID or Package ID, this means that you will need a Production and Development Firebase "app". Each app can access all the same data in the database, so you won't have to recreate any of your project settings, auth, database, ect...


All the firebase modules can be used outside of Expo by installing any of the following modules:

Future Development

Eventually we want most of these features to run in Expo by default. Currently they must be installed in a detached, or vanilla React Native project as we work out the bugs.


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