Generate Lorem Ipsum text quickly
To use in a project
$npm install fast-lorem-ipsum
var fastLoremIpsum = ; ;; ; //Performance result (Tested on Chrome 55.0.2883 / Ubuntu (Linux) ); //34,783,141 calls/ps; //31,239,051 calls/ps; //17,811,509 calls/ps; //12,929,931 calls/ps
To use from command line
$npm install fast-lorem-ipsum -g
$loremipsum -c 5
$loremipsum -w 5
To use from browser
Download and Include fli.js and use as per above snippet.
Performance comparision at coparejs. Worth to check
Worth to mention
- stubmatic : A stub server to mock behaviour of HTTP(s) / REST / SOAP services.
- fastify-xml-body-parser : Fastify plugin / module to parse XML payload / body into JS object using fast-xml-parser.
- fast-lorem-ipsum : Generate lorem ipsum words, sentences, paragraph very quickly.
- Grapes : Flexible Regular expression engine which can be applied on char stream. (under development)