Pokémon API Client
This is a simple Node.js client for fetching data from the PokéAPI. It provides functions to retrieve information about Pokémon, moves, and items. Additionally, it includes caching functionality to improve performance and reduce the number of API requests.
To use this Pokémon API client, you can install it using npm:
`npm install fast-poke-fetch`
Import the module
const { Pokemon, PokeItem, PokeMove } = require('fast-poke-fetch');
Fetch Pokemon Data
const pikachuData = await Pokemon('pikachu'); console.log(pikachuData);
Example Return
{ "id": 25, "name": "pikachu", "height": 4, "weight": 60, "types": ["electric"], "abilities": ["static", "lightning-rod"], "sprites": { "front_shiny": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PokeAPI/sprites/master/sprites/pokemon/shiny/25.png" } }
Fetch Item Data
const potionData = await PokeItem('potion'); console.log(potionData);
Example Return
{ "id": 1, "name": "potion", "effect_entries": [ { "effect": "Heals a Pokémon by 20 HP.", "short_effect": "Heals by 20 HP." } ], "sprites": { "front_shiny": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PokeAPI/sprites/master/sprites/items/shiny/1.png" } }
Fetch Move Data
const tackleData = await PokeMove('tackle'); console.log(tackleData);
Example Return
{ "id": 33, "name": "tackle", "pp": 35, "effect_entries": [ { "effect": "Inflicts regular damage with no additional effects.", "short_effect": "Inflicts damage." } ] }
Caching Data
This client uses caching to reduce the number of API requests and speed up return time. Cached data is stored for a default of 900 seconds (15 minutes). It is periodically checked every 300 seconds for stale data. You can configure the caching settings by modifying the cache
object in the code.