
0.4.0 • Public • Published

Fedimint SDK in Typescript

This is a TypeScript client that consumes the Fedimint Http Client, communicating with it via HTTP and a password. It's a hacky prototype, but it works until we can get a proper TS client for Fedimint. All of the federation handling code happens in the fedimint-http-client, this just exposes a simple API for interacting with the client from TypeScript (will be mirrored in Python and Go).


import dotenv from "dotenv";
import { FedimintClientBuilder } from "fedimint-ts";


const baseUrl = process.env.BASE_URL || "http://localhost:3000";
const password = process.env.PASSWORD || "password";
const builder = new FedimintClientBuilder();

// If you pass in an invite code, it will be set as the default federation
if (process.env.INVITE_CODE) {

// The FedimintClient has a default federationId set that it'll call any module methods on
const fedimintClient = await builder.build();

// You can update the federationId to call methods on a different federation
const { federation_ids } = await fedimintClient.federationIds();
await fedimintClient.setDefaultFederationId(federation_ids[0]);

// Any methods that call on a specific federation can optionally take a federationId as the last argument
// If no federationId is passed, the default federationId is used
const _ = await fedimintClient.listOperations({ limit: 10 }, federation_ids[1]);

// Admin methods give summaries by federation
fedimintClient.info().then((response) => {
  console.log("Current Total Msats Ecash: ", response.total_amount_msat);

// All module methods are called on the default federationId if you don't pass in a federationId
const { operation_id, invoice } = await fedimintClient.ln.createInvoice({
  amount_msat: 10000,
  description: "test",

console.log("Created 10 sat Invoice: ", invoice);

console.log("Waiting for payment...");

fedimintClient.ln.awaitInvoice({ operation_id }).then((response) => {
  console.log("Payment Received!");
  console.log("New Total Msats Ecash: ", response.total_amount_msat);


Install dependencies with bun install or npm install.

Follow these steps to setup a fedimint-clientd server and then you're ready to run the typescript client. fedimint-ts will use the same base url and password as the fedimint-clientd:

BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5000'
PASSWORD = 'password'

Then run your code that follows the pattern of tests/info-example.ts.

bun run tests/info-example.ts

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  • kodylow7