
0.3.2 • Public • Published


A set of React components to provide basic firebase realt-time database and auth functionality in a declarative fashion.

The problem

The standard firebase API has a very imperative style, requiring you to have a lot of imperative code in your React components' lifecycle methods. React encourages and favors a more declarative style of writing code.

The solution

The fire-fetch library provides a set of React components that wrap some of the basic functionality of the real-time database and authentication features of firebase. Instead of having to deal with a lot of imperative code in your lifecycles, you can use these components to declaratively access your firebase data and perform authentication actions.

What this library is not

fire-fetch is not a full replacement for the firebase api. This library was initially built to meet the needs of an app I was working on. I have open-sourced it with the intention of adding more functionality over time. The library does not currently cover all the functionality of the real-time database and authentication. If there is something missing that you want, I welcome all PRs and other contributions!


This library is distributed via npm which comes with node:

npm install --save fire-fetch

Alternatively, you can use yarn to add it to your project:

yarn add fire-fetch

This library has a peerDependencies listing for react.


import React from 'react';
import {FirebaseProvider, AuthListener, RootRef, FirebaseQuery} from 'fire-fetch';
const config = {
  //firebase config goes in here, see official firebase docs for details
function App() {
  return (
    <FirebaseProvider config={config}>
        {user => (
          {user === null (
          ) : (
              {user ? (
                <RootRef path={`/users/${user.uid}`}>
                  <FirebaseQuery path="todos" toArray on>
                    {todos => (
                        { => <li key={}>{}</li>)}
              ) : (
                <LoginComponent />



This is the root component for using firebase in your app. It will attempt to initialize a firebase app using a provided config object. Additional FirebaseProviders can be nested, as the component will use the already initialized app to pass down.


import React from 'react';
import { FirebaseProvider } from 'fire-fetch';
const config = {
  //firebase config object - see official firebase docs for details
const App = () => (
  <FirebaseProvider config={config}>
    <RestOfAppThatUsesFirebaseStuff />



object | required

This is the firebase config that you would use to initialize your app.


React.node | required

The content of your app that will need access to firebase functionality.

Utility Exports

FirebaseApp & withFbApp

A render-prop component and higher-order component (HoC) for getting a reference to the initialized firebase app.

import { FirebaseApp, withFbApp } from 'fire-fetch';
// Render Prop example
class RPExample extends React.Component {
  doSomething = fbapp => {
    //use the given firebase app reference to do imperative actions
    //not included in fire-fetch
  render() {
    return (
        {fbapp => (
          <button onClick={() => this.doSomething(fbapp)}>Do Something</button>
// HoC example
class HocExample extends React.Component {
  doSomething = () => {
    const { fbapp } = this.props;
    //use fbapp from props to access firebase app
  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.doSomething}>Do Something</button>;
export default withFbApp(HocExample);


The AuthListener component will setup listening for auth state change events from firebase and provides the root context for several methods of signing users in and for signing out.


import { AuthListener } from 'fire-fetch';
const Example = () => (
    {user => (
        {user === null ? (
          <div>Still waiting for initial auth state to come back</div>
        ) : (
            {user ? (
              <div>User id is {user.uid}</div>
            ) : (
              <div>No user logged in</div>



function(user) | optional

A render-prop for rendering content within the component. Can be used instead of passing a render-prop as children. The render-prop function should take a single argument, which will be the user object from firebase.


function(user) | optional

This is a render prop that can be passed as the child of the component. See the above render prop for details on the function signature.

Utility Exports

User & withUser

A render prop component and HoC for getting a reference to the logged in user.

import { User, withUser } from 'fire-fetch';
// Render prop example
const RPExample = () => <User>{user => <div>User ID is {user.uid}</div>}</User>;
// HoC example
const HoCExample = ({ user }) => <div>User ID is {user.uid}</div>;
export default withUser(HocExample);
SignIn, withSignIn, & providers

A render prop component and HoC that provide utility functions for signing a user into the app, as well as a list of authentication providers. There are two functions for signing in:

  1. signInProvider(provider, redirect) which will sign in using a given provider from the list, and will either redirect to a log in portal for the provider or use a pop-up depending on the boolean value of redirect. The currently supported providers are Google, Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub.
  2. signInEmail(email, password, isCreating) will sign in a user using the given email and password. If isCreating is true, a new user will be created and then signed in.


As mentioned above, there are 4 supported providers for authentication.

  1. Google - available in
  2. Facebook - available in providers.facebook
  3. Twitter - availble in providers.twitter
  4. GitHub - available in providers.github

Pass one of these providers to the signInProvider function to use that provider for authentication.

SignOut & withSignOut

A render prop component and HoC that provide a function to sign a user out of the app.

import { SignOut, withSignOut } from 'fire-fetch';
const LogOut = ({ signOut }) => (
  <button onClick={signOut}>Click to log out</button>
// Render prop example
const RPExample = () => (
  <SignOut>{signOut => <LogOut signOut={signOut} />}</SignOut>
// just wrap in a HoC to get the signOut function
export default withSignOut(LogOut);


The RootRef component is a simple utility component for if your real-time database structure has a common root path that you need to reference throughout your app. For example, if your app has a root path of /users and then the logged in user will get their data from a child using their uid, you will be prepending /users/{uid} to all your firebase refs. This component will work with the FirebaseRef and FirebaseQuery components to eliminate the need to type that path all the time.


import { RootRef, User } from 'fire-fetch';
const Example = () => (
    {user => (
      <RootRef path={`/users/${user.uid}`}>
          The rest of the app will now be able to automatically prepend the root
          path onto the paths passed to refs and queries.



string | optional | defaults to empty string

The path you want to set as the root path for the app.

Utility Exports

GetRootRef & withRootRef

In practice you shouldn't need these, but if you are needing to break out of the fire-fetch components to use the firebase imperative API, you can use these to have quick access to the root ref.

import { GetRootRef, withRootRef } from 'fire-fetch';
const UsesRoot = ({ path }) => <div>{path}</div>;
const RPExample = () => (
  <GetRootRef>{rootPath => <UsesRoot path={rootPath} />}</GetRootRef>
export default withRootRef(UsesRoot);


The FirebaseRef component will return a single or list of firebase refs depending on what props are passed to it. These refs can then be used for further querying or manipulation of data in the real-time database.


import { RootRef, FirebaseRef } from 'fire-fetch';
const Root = () => (
  <RootRef path="/some/long/path">
    <UsesRef />
class UsesRef extends React.Component {
  doSomething = ref => {
    // now you can use the ref to do stuff
  render() {
    // the ref below will have a path of /some/long/path/todos
    // because FirebaseRef will prepend the rootref
    return (
      <FirebaseRef path="todos">
        {ref => (
          <button onClick={() => this.doSomething(ref)}>Do something</button>
class MultipleRefs extends React.Component {
  doSomethingWithFirst = ref => {};
  doSomethingWithSecond = ref => {};
  render() {
    return (
      <FirebaseRef paths={['first', 'second']}>
        {(first, second) => (
            <button onClick={() => this.doSomethingWithFirst(first)}>
            <button onClick={() => this.doSomethingWithSecond(second)}>



string | optional

If this prop is used to construct the ref, a single firebase ref will be passed to the render prop.


Array<string> | optional

If this prop is used to construct the ref, a number of refs equal to the length of the array will be passed to the render prop.

render & children

function(...refs) | one required

Render prop functions to get the firebase ref(s). See the official firebase docs for details on the ref(s).


The FirebaseQuery component is used to query the real-time database at a given path.


import { FirebaseQuery } from 'fire-fetch';
const Example = () => (
  <FirebaseQuery path="todos" toArray on>
    {todos => (
        { => (
          <li key={}>
            {} - {todo.completed}



string | optional

The path in the real-time database that query will use.


Reference | optional

You can pass a firebase ref to the query instead of a path.


boolean | optional

Firebase queries return objects, not arrays, which can make lists of data strange to work with. If toArray is passed, the object will be transformed into an array for your use.


boolean or string | optional

The on prop will setup a query to update whenver the given firebase event fires. on will accept any of the following event strings: child_added, child_removed, child_changed, child_moved, and value. It will also accept a boolean which will update on value events.


boolean or string | optional

The once prop will setup a query to update whenver the given firebase event fires. once will accept any of the following event strings: child_added, child_removed, child_changed, child_moved, and value. It will also accept a boolean which will update on value events.


boolean | optional

Will set the query to update the returned value on all value events.


string | optional

Will order the query off the given key.


any | optional

When paired with orderByChild, will allow for filtering the query using the key given to orderByChild and value given to equalTo.


number | optional

Will limit the query results to the last number results.


function(value) | optional

Occasionally, it may be necessary to perform calculations or updates based on the updated data from a query. You can use the onChange prop to perform these changes.

render & children

Render props for rendering content from this component. The function used should have signature:

function(queryValue, loading, ref)

The parameters for this are:

  1. queryValue - the resulting value of the query
  2. loading - a boolean value indicating if the query is still loading or not
  3. ref - the backing ref for the query; can be used for further updates or as an escape hatch



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  • bodiddlie