Firestore Extended (web and node.js)
Simplify the work with complex and deep objects while retaining all the great benefits from Firebase Firestore.
npm install firebase rxjs firestore-extended --save
Firestore splits its data up into collections and documents which is what allows it to be scalable and fast.
The issues that this can cause is that the best way to store your data might not be the best way to work with and display that data.
It can also be more difficult to figure out how to store your data in a way that is not only cheap in terms of reads but also cheap in terms of performance/speed.
Firestore Extended is meant to help developers solve these issues.
Documentation and Examples
You can find a simple demo in projects/demo.
It can be run locally if you provide your own firebaseConfig in the environment file or you can find a running demo here:
Steps to run locally:
- Clone this repo
- Setup a firebase project and place the config 'firebaseConfig' here: projects/demo/src/environments/ and export it.
- Run the following commands:
npm install
npm run start
Using the library
This will add and read the Address
in a collection inside each Restaurant
export interface Address {
zipCode: string;
city: string;
line1: string;
export interface Restaurant {
address: Address
const restaurantSubCollectionWriters: SubCollectionWriter[] = [
// add address sub Collection inside each Example Document
{name: 'address'},
const restaurantSubCollectionQueries: SubCollectionQuery[] = [
// listen for address sub Collection inside each Example Document
{name: 'address'},
export class RestaurantFsService { // <-- Service for listening/writing to Firestore
app: FirebaseApp;
firestoreExt: FirestoreExt; //
restaurantCollectionRef: CollectionReference<Restaurant>;
firestore: Firestore;
constructor() { = initializeApp(environment.firebase); // only call this once per application
this.firestore = getFirestore(;
this.firestoreExt = new FirestoreExt(; // initialize FirestoreExt with firebase app
this.collectionRef = collection<Restaurant>(this.firestore, 'restaurants');
listenForRestaurants$(): Observable<FireItem<Restaurant>[]> {
return this.firestoreExt.listenForCollection$<Restaurant>(this.collectionRef);
Please read Angular README for more information regarding use with Angular.
See the Documentation for much more information.
MIT © Daniel Lofgren