Fismo machines are a way of simulating processes, branching narratives, maps of places, or nearly any stateful thing you can imagine.
Yo dawg, we heard you like machines, so we put this machine in our state machine docs. This is the machine that you will clone and install your own machines into. Practically bristling with potential, amirite? Incidentally, It was created in collaboration with another machine, via Midjourney. 🤖
Done or in progress are:
- ✅ Science! a functional Deterministic Selector Proxy implementation
- ✅ A robust Finite State Machine protocol
- ✅ Minimal clones of Fismo for cheap deployments (~$45 vs ~$2300)!!!
- ✅ Initialization and access of machine-specific storage slots
- ✅ Clear and complete interface documentation and inline code comments
- ✅ Separation of concerns into inheritance tree for easy comprehension and maintenance
- ✅ Shared domain model for contract structures, enums, events, & constants
- ✅ Domain model expressed in JS for use in deployment and testing
- ✅ Domain model unit tests
- ✅ Shared Script modules for reuse in both deployment and testing
- ✅ Contract unit tests
- ✅ Working examples
- ✅ Example machine tests (multi-step operation of machine examples)
- ✅ CI build and test with Github Actions
- ✅ Contract interfaces documentation
- ✅ Developer setup and tasks documentation
- ✅ Developer environment configuration template
- ✅ High level architecture documentation
- ✅ Contextually filter actions on guard contracts
- ✅ Allow self-targeting transitions to inspect the action
- ✅ Optimize contract size
- ✅ Publish NPM package with utilities and domain model for browser + node
- ✅ Publish documentation to Fismo website
- ✅ Fully permissive cloneable Operator for cheap deployments (~$45 vs ~$350)!!!
- ✅ Deploy to testnets (Rinkeby, Mumbai, Amoy)
- ✅ Add deployments to SDK
- ✅ Standalone demo project using SDK only
- 👉 Deploy to mainnets (Homestead, Matic)