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Fix Lockfile Integrity

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Fix sha1 integrity in lock files back to sha512


  • Reverts all sha1 back to sha512 which is more secure
  • Works with both package-lock.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json
  • Works with lockfile version 1 & 2
  • Can be configured to work on multiple paths to support monorepo
  • Works only on file system without touching your version control


  • By default, fixes only packages from npm registry You can change that via configuration file


Install globally:

npm install -g fix-lockfile-integrity

Or run with npx:

npx fix-lockfile-integrity


Check local folder for a lockfile (package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json) and fix any sha1 in it

$ fix-lockfile
Overwriting lock file ./package-lock.json with 10 integrity fixes

Make sure your lock file is in version control and all changes have been committed. This will overwrite your lock file.

To fix a specific file not in the current folder:

$ fix-lockfile <file>

CLI Options

fix-lockfile [file]

Fix lock file integrity

  file  file to fix (default: looks for package-lock.json/npm-shrinkwrap.json in running folder)

      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -c, --config   configuration file                                     [string]
  -v, --verbose  verbose logging                                       [boolean]
  -q, --quiet    quiet (suppresses verbose too)                        [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]

Configuration file

Configuration file can be in several formats and are automatically loaded.
Alternatively, you can specify configuration file to load via CLI --config (alias: -c)


.fix-lockfile.ts or fix-lockfile.config.ts

import type { FixLockFileIntegrityConfig } from "fix-lockfile-integrity";

const config: FixLockFileIntegrityConfig = {
    includePaths: ["./", "./packages/a", "./packages/b"],
    lockFileNames: ["package-lock.json"],
    allRegistries: true,
    prettier: {
        useTabs: true,
        endOfLine: "cr"

export default config;


.fix-lockfile.js or fix-lockfile.config.js

const config = {
    includePaths: ["./", "./packages/a", "./packages/b"],
    lockFileNames: ["package-lock.json"],
    allRegistries: true,
    prettier: {
        useTabs: true,
        endOfLine: "cr"

module.exports = config;


.fix-lockfile.json or fix-lockfile.config.json

    "includePaths": ["./", "./packages/a", "./packages/b"],
    "lockFileNames": ["package-lock.json"],
    "allRegistries": true,
    "prettier": {
        "useTabs": true,
        "endOfLine": "cr"


.fix-lockfile.yaml, fix-lockfile.config.yml, .fix-lockfile.yaml or fix-lockfile.config.yml

    - "./"
    - "./packages/a"
    - "./packages/b"
    - package-lock.json
allRegistries: true
    useTabs: true
    endOfLine: cr

Configuration in a Lerna monorepo

For root folder and all lerna packages

const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const path = require("path");

const lernaInfoOutput = execSync("lerna list --all --json", { encoding: "utf8" });
const lernaPackages = JSON.parse(lernaInfoOutput).map(p => path.relative(__dirname, p.location));

const config = {
    includePaths: [
    lockFileNames: [
    allRegistries: true

module.exports = config;

Configuration options

- includeFiles:     Explicit list of files to fix       (default: none)
- includePaths:     Paths to look for lock files in     (default: ".")
- lockFileNames:    Lock files to look for              (default: ["package-lock.json", "npm-shrinkwrap.json"])
- allRegistries:    Fetch integrity from all registries (default: false)
- registries:       Registries to fetch integrity from (default: [""])
- prettier:         Overriding prettier config in case needed


If you want to make sure to avoid those sha1 in your files and avoid unnecessary changes in PRs, you should do one of the following:

1) Add to postinstall

This way it will run after each time you run npm install

    "postinstall": "fix-lockfile package-lock.json"

2) pre-commit hook

Using husky (or alike) to run as a pre-commit hook


NPM has known issue of constantly changing integrity property of its lock file. Integrity may change due to plenty of reasons. Some of them are:

  1. npm install done on machine with different OS from one where lock file generated
  2. some package version updated
  3. another version of npm used

Intention of this tool is to prevent such changes and make integrity property secure and reliable.

Report issues

If something doesn't work, please file an issue.

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npm i fix-lockfile-integrity

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  • yoavain