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1.1.8 • Public • Published


Focusing Library is a JavaScript library that helps track the number of words typed by the user and set target goals for word count or time spent on a task. It also provides basic user profile information based on the user's computer.


  • Word count tracking: Track the number of words typed by the user in a text input.
  • Time tracking: Measure the time spent on a task using a timer.
  • Goal setting: Set target goals for word count or time spent on a task.
  • User profile: Access basic user profile information based on the user's computer.


You can install Your Focusing Library via npm:

npm install focusing


Word Count Tracking

To track the number of words typed by the user, you can use the countWords function. It takes the text as input and returns the word count:

import { countWords } from 'focusing';

const inputText = "This is an example sentence with some words.";
const wordCount = countWords(inputText);
console.log("Word count:", wordCount); // Output: Word count: 9

Time Tracking

To measure the time spent on a task, you can use the startTimer and stopTimer functions. The getElapsedTime function returns the time duration in seconds:

import { startTimer, stopTimer, getElapsedTime } from 'focusing';


// Perform the task...


const elapsedTime = getElapsedTime();
console.log("Time spent:", elapsedTime, "seconds");
import { WordTracking } from 'focusing';

// Initialize the WordTracking instance with custom word boundary characters
const wordBoundaryChars = [' ', '-', '_'];
const wordTracker = WordTracking.getInstance(wordBoundaryChars);

// Start tracking user input

// Wait for a few seconds (or as the user types)

// Get the current word count using the default counting mode ('all')
const allWordsCount = wordTracker.getWordCount();
console.log(allWordsCount); // Output: The number of all words typed by the user

// Get the current word count using the 'unique' counting mode
const uniqueWordsCount = wordTracker.getWordCount(CountingMode.UniqueWords);
console.log(uniqueWordsCount); // Output: The number of unique words typed by the user

// Get the current word count using the 'specific' counting mode
const specificWordOccurrencesCount = wordTracker.getWordCount(CountingMode.SpecificWordOccurrences);
console.log(specificWordOccurrencesCount); // Output: The total occurrences of specific words typed by the user

// Subscribe to word count change events
const wordCountListener = (count: number) => {
  console.log('Word count changed:', count);


// Wait for a few seconds (or as the user types)

// Unsubscribe from word count change events (if necessary)

// Stop tracking user input (if necessary)

Goal Setting

You can set target goals for word count or time spent on a task using the setWordGoal and setTimeGoal functions:

import { setWordGoal, setTimeGoal } from 'focusing';

setWordGoal(500); // Set a goal of typing 500 words
setTimeGoal(1800); // Set a goal of spending 1800 seconds (30 minutes) on the task

User Profile

To access basic user profile information, you can use the getUserProfile function:

import { getUserProfile } from 'focusing';

const userProfile = getUserProfile();
console.log("User Profile:", userProfile);


Contributions are welcome! If you have any bug fixes, new features, or improvements to the library, please submit a pull request.

Before contributing, please read our Contributing Guidelines.


Focusing Library is open-source software licensed under the MIT License.

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