
1.0.0-beta • Public • Published

The FRESH Resume Schema

A rational schema for your résumé or CV. Based on FRESH.

The FRESH résumé schema is an open source, standards-friendly, JSON/YAML-driven format for résumé / CVs and other employment artifacts.

FRESH is supported natively by HackMyResume and can be trivially converted to and from the JSON Resume format.

What It Does

FRESCA establishes an optimized, human-readable, computer-friendly representation for your résumé and career data based on JSON or equivalent YAML...

// Pared-down FRESH/FRESCA resume representation (JSON)
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "info": { /* Basic info */ },
  "contact": { /* Contact information */ },
  "location": { /* Location / address */ },
  "meta": { /* Resume metadata */ },
  "employment": { /* Employment history */ },
  "projects": [ /* Project history */ ],
  "skills": [ /* Skills and technologies */ ],
  "education": { /* Schools, training, certifications */ },
  "affiliation": { /* Clubs, groups, and associations */ },
  "service": { /* Volunteer, military, civilian service */ },
  "disposition": { /* Disposition towards work, relocation, schedule */ },
  "writing": [ /* Writing, blogging, and publications */ ],
  "reading": [ /* Books and publication a la StackOverflow Careers */ ],
  "speaking": [ /* Writing, blogging, and publications */ ],
  "governance": [ /* Board memberships, committees, standards groups */ ],
  "recognition": [ /* Awards and commendations */ ],
  "samples": [ /* Work samples and portfolio pieces */ ],
  "social": [ /* Social networking & engagement */ ],
  "references": [ /* Candidate references */ ],
  "testimonials": [ /* Public candidate testimonials */ ],  
  "extracurricular": [ /* Interests & hobbies */ ],
  "interests": [ /* Interests & hobbies */ ],
  "languages": [ /* languages spoken */ ]

...which you can use to generate resumes and other career artifacts in specific concrete formats (HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, PDF, etc.) as well as enable 21st-century analysis of your resume and career data in a way that's not possible with traditional, 20th-century resume tools and formats.

Anatomy of a FRESH Resume

FRESH resumes are:

  • Text-based.
  • Versionable.
  • Standards-compliant.
  • Human-readable/editable.
  • Computer-friendly / easily parsable by tools.
  • Built from JSON or equivalent YAML.
  • Used to generate specific formats like HTML, PDF, or LaTeX.
  • Free from proprietary structures or site- and/or tool-specific lock-in.


The FRESH resume schema is licensed under MIT. Go crazy.

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