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FRL TypeScript arithmetic

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This project contains a lightweight fixed-point number arithmetic.

A. Installation

If you are using npm, then simply run the npm install frl-ts-arithmetic CLI command to get the latest version.

If you are using yarn, then go with the yarn add frl-ts-arithmetic command.

B. Fixed-point numbers

Fixed class represents a fixed-point number. It allows to perform calculations in a fixed-point arithmetic.

The Fixed class contains all basic mathematical operations, such as add, subtract, multiply, divide and modulo. Let's check out a few examples:

// creates a new fixed-point number with a precision of 2 fractional, decimal digits
// equal to 0
const fixed = new Fixed(2);
// adds another fixed-point number that represents
// a value of 3.4, with a precision of 4 fractional, decimal digits
// after this operation, our 'fixed' variable will be equal to 3.4
// or, to be a bit closer to how the number is actually stored, 340/100
fixed.add(Fixed.FromNumber(3.4, 4));
// subtracts another fixed-point number
// after this operation, 'fixed' variable will be equal to 1.15
// or 115/100
fixed.subtract(Fixed.FromNumber(2.25, 2));
// multiplies by another fixed-point number
// after this operation, 'fixed' variable will be equal to 13.23
// or 1323/100
// note, that the real result is actually 1.15 * 11.5 = 13.225
// however, since 'fixed' has a precision of 2, it has to round the result
fixed.multiply(Fixed.FromNumber(11.5, 1));
// divides by another fixed-point number
// after this operation, 'fixed' variable will be equal to 26.46
// or 2646/100
fixed.divide(Fixed.FromNumber(0.5, 1));
// calculates a remainder from a division by another fixed-point number
// after this operation, 'fixed' variable will be equal to 1.46
// or 146/100
fixed.modulo(Fixed.FromNumer(2.5, 2));

As you can see, fixed-point arithmetic doesn't save you from rounding errors (which will become very apparent after using multiplication, division and modulo operations a few times), however it behaves as if it actually performs calculations in base 10 arithmetic, which can save you quite a few headaches, when dealing with stuff like that:

// floating-point arithmeric
let value = 0.1;
value += 0.2;
// returns false
const result = value === 0.3;
// fixed-point arithmetic
let fixedValue = Fixed.FromNumber(0.1, 1).addNumber(0.2);
// returns true
const fixedResult = fixedValue.equals(Fixed.FromNumber(0.3, 1));

This is one of the biggest advantages of the fixed-point arithmetic performed by the Fixed class over the floating-point arithmetic performed by the number type. It can be very useful, when dealing with e.g. currencies.

As hinted by the previous example, most operations have their [x]Number (e.g. addNumber) versions, which allow to pass a number as a parameter, instead of another Fixed-type object. Additionally, most operations have [x]Normalized (e.g. addNormalized) versions, which allow to pass a normalized number value as a parameter. In the case of the Fixed class, normalized means a raw value, which won't be converted because of the fixed-point number's precision. For example:

// represents a 1.23 value
// or, more specifically, 12300/10000
const fixed = Fixed.FromNumber(1.23, 4);
// returns 12300
const norm = fixed.normalizedValue;
// adds 7 as a normalized value
// since 'fixed' variable's precision is 4
// then that 7 will actually represent a number equal to 0.0007
// after this operation, 'fixed' variable will be equal to 1.2307
// or 12307/10000

Fixed also contains methods, that allow to compare values, like equals (which simply returns a boolean result) or compareTo (which returns a number result, < 0 means, that the number is less than the parameter, > 0 means, that the number is greater than the parameter and === 0 means, that the number is equal to the parameter).

It's also possible to convert a Fixed object to number, by simply calling the toNumber method. You can also perform a precision-cast by calling the toPrecision method, with a precision parameter of your choice, however, if you always need a new object, then call the static Fixed.FromFixed method instead, since toPrecision returns this, if the precision parameter is equal to the callee's precision.

Also, keep in mind, that Fixed object's have a limited range of safe values. Unlike number, which is implemented as a double precision floating-point number and has a max value equal to about 10^308, the Fixed has a max safe value of 10^53 / 10^precision, where allowed precision is in range [0, 15]. Fixed doesn't validate any overflow for the sake of efficiency, so it's up to you to decide when and how to check the value's correctness - isSafe property can help with that.

C. Fixed-point math helpers

FixedMath namespace contains a few helpful fixed-point arithmetic functions, such as:

  • Min - returns the lowest value out of the two provided fixed-point numbers.
  • Max - returns the highest value out of the two provided fixed-point numbers.
  • Abs - returns an absolute value of the provided fixed-point number.
  • Truncate - returns an integral part of the provided fixed-point number.
  • Fractional - returns a fractional part of the provided fixed-point number.
  • Round - rounds a fixed-point number to the provided precision.
  • Ceil - returns a ceiling function result.
  • Floor - returns a floor function result.
  • Sign - returns 1, if the provided fixed-point number is greater than 0, -1, if the provided number is less than 0, or 0, if the provided number is equal to 0.
  • Random - generates a random fixed-point number with the provided precision.
  • Sum - performs a sum operation on the provided fixed-point numbers collection.

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