View epub file in ReactJs application using epub.js
See a demo at:
npm i react-epubjs
yarn add react-epubjs
Create new React Epubjs
interface ReaderProps {
url: any
fontSize?: string
fontFamily?: string
fontColor?: string
className: string
showPercentage?: boolean // default is true
percentString?: string // default is '$percent of this book'
cfi: string
onLoad?: (rendition?: Rendition) => void
onNext?: (rendition?: Rendition) => void
onPrev?: (rendition?: Rendition) => void
onRelocated?: (location?: Location) => void
renderChapters?: (tocs) => React.ReactNode
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import Reader from 'react-epubjs'
import book from './assets/book.epub'
const root = document.getElementById('root')
const onRelocated = (location) => {
// save current cfi to localStorage
const cfi = location.start.cfi
localStorage.setItem('cfi', cfi)
const EpubView = () => {
// load cfi from localStorage
const cfi = localStorage.getItem('cfi')
// must be wrap by an element with height
return <Reader url={book} onRelocated={onRelocated} cfi={cfi} />
ReactDOM.render(<EpubView />, root)
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