
5.2.7 • Public • Published

Fuzzco Nuxt boilerplate. Designed for use with Prismic sites.

Table of Contents


  1. Set up on your machine:
    1. Make sure you have Node.js and NPM installed.
    2. In your terminal, navigate (how?) to where you want your source code to exist.
    3. Run npx fuzznuxt your-project-name - this will create a new directory called your-project-name in your current location and set up the boilerplate there. As of May 2021, you should only need to change these options:
      • Package Manager: Select Npm instead of Yarn
      • Deployment target: Select Static (Static/Jamstack hosting) instead of Server (Node.js hosting)
    4. Run cd your-project-name, then npm run dev, to navigate to your new project and run the development server.
  2. Set up Prismic:
    1. Pages: Create a repeatable custom type called page with the a UID field called UID.
    2. Create a Page with the UID front-page. This is the content that will appear on pages/index.vue
    3. Settings: Create a single custom type called settings. This is the content that will be used for global site settings.
    4. Previews: Make a new preview with the name production, add your Netlify domain, and set the link resolver to /preview.
      • For more advanced site structures, you may need to ensure libs/prismic/linkResolver.js (the link resolver) makes sense with your site structure, but you can disregard that at the start of the project.


Fuzznuxt is designed to create very flexible Prismic sites that depend almost entirely on Prismic slices. Usually, the process of building a Fuzznuxt site looks like this:

  1. Divide site designs into small, self-contained modules. Take extra care to notice any repeated modules or slight variations in content or presentation - these will become Prismic slices.
  2. Create a new Prismic slice on your Page type for each module from step 1.
  3. Model each slice's content on Prismic. For example, a section with a custom background color and a variable number of images will have a Color non-repeating field and an Image repeating field.
  4. Run the installation steps on your machine as outlined in Installation.
  5. Create a folder called slice inside your components folder.
  6. Create a new slice component for each slice on your site. Continue until the site is complete.


The first thing to run in the template is plugins/bootstrap.js - this will be run server-side, so anything you need guaranteed on load should be retrieved here.

plugins/browser.js runs next. Usually, outside components and browser-dependent events (window resizing, font loading, etc) are registered here, but it's possible to set up anything you want guaranteed to run client-side in this script.

From there, Nuxt's normal layout and page rules apply, with these as the only exceptions:

  • _vars.scss: Thanks to the style-resources-module, the contents of assets/scss/_vars.scss will automatically be @included in every Vue component on the site.


This boilerplate comes with several built-in libraries, filters, utilities, and plugins.



Contains several helper functions for serializing data from Prismic. Most of these are handled internally.


See SEO below.


Contains common helper functions. Usage:

import { wait } from '~/libs/utils'


Name Parameters Notes
bezier (p0, p1, p2, p3) Construct a bezier curve from four points. See here for a visualizer.
lerp (from, to, alpha) Lerp between from and to. alpha should be between 0 and 1.
scrollTo (el, duration = 1000, offset = 0) Scroll to el (plus offset) over duration ms. Awaitable. Fails silently if no el.
scrollUp (duration = 1000) Scroll to the top of the page over duration ms.
wait (time = 1000) Wait time ms. Awaitable.
waitFor (selector, {timeout: 2000, interval: 100, scope: document}) Wait timeout ms for an element in scope matching selector to appear. const element = await waitFor('.uncertain-element')



Automatically included on every component. Will set SEO values and page title appropriately - see SEO below.


Contains hover/focus enter and exit event listeners and adds the hovering property to the component's data.


Shortcuts for setting up and tearing down intersection observers.

    const elementToObserve = this.$el // or desired element
    this.observe(elementToObserve, this.updateObserve)
methods: {


Filter function for Prismic images. Use, for example, with super-image:

<super-image v-bind="prisImg(image)"/>


Keeps track of an element's boundingClientRect via the clientRect data field. Also makes rectThrottle available on data to control how often, in ms, the client rect will update,


Adds several slideshow functions and properties. Sets left/right arrow key listeners and a hammerjs swipe listener. Requires slides to be set manually - for example:

    import slideshow from '~/mixins/slideshow'

    export default {
        mixins: [slideshow],
        data() {
            return {
                slides: [
                    /* your slides here */
Name Type Info
goToIndex(index, stopAuto = true) Function Go to the given index. Will wrap correctly. Optionally stop autoplay.
index Number The wrapped index of the current slide. Will be between 0 and slides.length - 1.
interval Number The number of ms between each slide on autoplay. Default 5000.
next(stopAuto = true) Function Go to the next slide. Optionally stop autoplay.
prev(stopAuto = true) Function Go to the previous slide. Optionally stop autoplay.
stopAuto() Function Stop autoplay.


Import and use any of the following components included with the boilerplate.


By default, this repo uses the prismic-content component to handle rendering content from the Prismic WYSIWYG editor, which renders internal and external links automatically. You can pass your own custom HTML serializer to the html-serializer prop if you want to override this default behavior.


Wrapper for a Prismic image. Features:

  • Image padding to prevent jumping on load
  • Automatically includes a 1x1 version of the image stretched to full size as a preview.
  • Automatically fades in the main image when loaded.
  • Includes srcset and several sizes out of the box, with support for defining custom sizes. (See "Props > sizes" below.)
<prismic-image v-bind="myImage" />

    export default {
        computed: {
            myImage() {
                // return an image from a Prismic content type or slice here
Name Type Default Notes
alt String '' Image alt text. Usually handled by Prismic and v-bind.
aspect String, Number -1 Aspect ratio. Calculated automatically if -1. Can be string or number between 0-1 or 0-100 (56.25% could be passed as either aspect="56.25" or ":aspect="0.5625").
defer Boolean false Whether to wait to load this image until the wrapper is in view. Useful for images that will be offscreen on load.
dimensions Object { width: -1, height: -1 } Original image dimensions. Usually handled by Prismic and v-bind.
fill-space Boolean false Whether or not this image should take up all available space.
fit String cover Value for object-fit. Usually either cover or contain.
hide-preview Boolean false prismic-image loads a 1x1 version of the image and stretches it to full size as a preview. Set this to true to hide that preview.
ignore-srcset Boolean false Set to true to prevent using any srcset values and instead just use src. Automatically true on gifs to ensure they don't break.
inner-wrapper String div The sizer for the image. The item that is width: 100% and padding-bottom: [aspect ratio].
no-compress Boolean false Set to true to prevent compression and alternate sizes (ie, remove the query string from the URL). Automatically true on gifs to ensure they don't break.
respect-max Boolean false Set to true to prevent image from being any larger than its source's size. See also scaleMax.
scale-max Number 1 If respectMax is true, use the original image's size times this value as the max size. (Example: to force an image's max size to be 50% of its source's size, use: <prismic-image respect-max :scale-max="0.5")
sizes Array [null, 1920, 1100, 800, 500] Sizes for the srcset image. Null for full size, otherwise width in px.
src String '' Fallback URL for the image. url is preferred over this to align with Prismic's data format.
transition String fade The transition to use for the main image when it has loaded.
url String '' URL for the image. Usually handled by Prismic and v-bind.
wrapper String div The outermost element wrapping the prismic-image.


The following directives are included in the boilerplate.

Basic usage: <div v-intersect>...</div>


Add the intersected class on any item in view.

<!-- `intersected` class added when in view, removed when not in view -->
<div v-intersect>...</div>

<!-- `intersected` class added permanently on first time in view -->
<div v-intersect.once>...</div>

<!-- custom event handler - receives args (entries, observer, isIntersecting) -->
<div v-intersect="{ handler: myCustomMethod }">...</div>


Attach a CSS var tracking a path's length to an SVG <path> element.

<!-- path length is available via var(--path-length) on this path element -->
<path v-path-length d="<M0,0 H10"/>
<!-- `intersected` class added when in view, removed when not in view -->
<div v-intersect>...</div>

<!-- `intersected` class added permanently on first time in view -->
<div v-intersect.once>...</div>

<!-- custom event handler - receives args (entries, observer, isIntersecting) -->
<div v-intersect="{ handler: myCustomMethod }">...</div>


Add reverse-hover classes.

<!-- if any <a> tag is hovered/focused, the <ul> will receive the class `rh-active-within` and the target <a> will receive the class `rh-active` -->
<ul v-reverse-hover>
    <li><a href="#one">One</a></li>
    <li><a href="#two">Two</a></li>

<!-- same as above, just with <button>s instead of <a>s -->
<ul v-reverse-hover="{ selectors: 'button' }">



Fuzznuxt comes with a script to make font preparation easier.

  1. Select all formats, then drag and drop all fonts you want on your site to the uploader on onlinefontconverter.
  2. Select "Download all attachments".
  3. Drag the downloaded arcive.zip to the root directory of your Fuzznuxt project.
  4. Run npm run fonts. This will execute bash/fonts.sh, which will unzip and organize the fonts from the arcive.zip file into the static/fonts folder and remove the arcive.zip file.

SEO Setup

This template uses a special structure in Prismic on the global site settings and each custom page type. To install, copy the following JSON to the JSON editor on your Prismic Setting and Page types, after the Main sidebar on each one:

"SEO" : {
    "seo_title" : {
      "type" : "Text",
      "config" : {
        "label" : "Title",
        "placeholder" : "Page title"
    "seo_description" : {
      "type" : "Text",
      "config" : {
        "label" : "Description",
        "placeholder" : "Page description"
    "seo_image" : {
      "type" : "Image",
      "config" : {
        "constraint" : { },
        "thumbnails" : [ {
          "name" : "Small",
          "width" : 450,
          "height" : null
        } ],
        "label" : "Image"


See our prismic-form library for a solution to building forms in Prismic.



To set up a static site with Netlify, connect your repo to Netlify and set the deploy settings to:

Build command           npm run generate
Publish directory       dist

and the environment variables to:

PRISMIC_REPO_NAME       (your Prismic repo name)


To set up Heroku, you can follow the Heroku instructions or:

  1. Install the Heroku CLI
  2. heroku create your-app-name

Once Heroku is set up and you want to deploy:

  1. npm run deploy

On Heroku's end, remember to set these environment variables:

NODE_ENV                production
PRISMIC_REPO_NAME       (your Prismic repo name)


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