Unofficial GatsbyJS plugin to embed HTML/JavaScript code for a live chat widget and who's on tracking feature provided by SmarterTools SmarterTrack into a website generated by GatsbyJS.
npm install --save gatsby-plugin-smartertrack
How to use
In your gatsby-config.js
moduleexports = plugins: resolve: `gatsby-plugin-smartertrack` options: fqdn: "" /* <string: fully qualified domain name> - REQUIRED */ port: 443 /* <number: port> - OPTIONAL: default = 443 */ liveChat: isEnabled: true /* <boolean> - OPTIONAL: default = true */ options: elementId: "chattab" /* <string: HTML element ID> - OPTIONAL: default = 'chattab' */ configNum: 0 /* <number: SmarterTrack 'Live Chat Link' config> - OPTIONAL: default = 0 */ whosOn: isEnabled: true /* <boolean> - OPTIONAL: default = true */ options: virtualPage: "" /* <string: SmarterTrack virtual page> - OPTIONAL: default = empty string */ ;
Tested with SmarterTools SmarterTrack v13.x and v14.x