
3.4.2 • Public • Published

Jumpstart ~ Static

A Yeoman generator for scaffolding modern static sites using Webpack, SCSS, Browser-sync, Gulp and Swig

Made by Max




Modified Webpack config now sits in an external file webpack.config.js.


Added Browser-sync is used instead of Connect. Includes hot-loading of CSS by default.


Added Gulp has replaced Grunt as the default build script.

Deprecated yo jumpstart-static:grunt will generate the same Grunt setup as the sub-3.0 versions of this generator. However, the Grunt setup will no longer be maintained, in favour of Gulp.


Added Gruntfile and task configuration is now a subgenerator, so can be deployed independent of a full generator.

Removed All prompts. The name of the build directory is now used to tailor the generated code.


Removed client side prompts. I've decided to make the generator much more opinionated. There are no longer prompts for JavaScript and SCSS packages. Instead this application ships with Bourbon, Scut, and Eric Meyer's CSS reset (in SCSS form).

Added Webpack for js file concatenation and bundling. It is much more sophisticated than grunt-contrib-concat. The Gulp Webpack package is used to control settings. Include vendor JavaScript files you need using the following process:

  1. npm install <package you require>
  2. (in any of your JavaScript files) require ('<package>')

app.js is included in the base HTML layout by default. Use this for JavaScript common across all pages on your site (e.g. code in the header or footer of your site)

Create different JavaScript files for different pages, and then include them in a script tag using {% block extrajs %} in templates which extend the default layout.swig.

To include vendor scripts (e.g. jQuery or Lodash) use require(<package>) either within app.js or your page specific JavaScript files. The latter will reduce overall page weight, by ensuring that you only include 3rd party libraries on the pages that need them.


Removed Ruby dependency. Libsass / node-sass now compiles SCSS, removing the need to have Ruby installed

Deprecated Ember.js aspect of Wizard. ember-cli does a much better job than I could do. I suggest using that.

Getting started

  1. Install npm install generator-jumpstart-static
  2. Run yo generator-jumpstart-static
  3. Follow the build wizard


This generator is designed to scaffold static websites using the Swig templating engine, and a Gulp task to compile.

It also includes the following SCSS packages, all of which resolve to 0 bytes of CSS unless they are called.

  • Bourbon ~ SCSS utilities
  • Scut ~ More useful SCSS shortcuts
  • Meyer Reset ~ An SCSS version of Eric Meyer's reset CSS.

What you get


A pre-fabbed gulpfile with everything you need to build the project, run a watch, and serve the project on localhost port 8080.

Available commands:

gulp ~ Build the templates, SCSS, JavaScript, Swig templates, fonts, and images, within the project.

gulp --env production ~ As above but for a production environment (e.g. minifies .js and .css files, etc.)

gulp watch or gulp connect ~ Launch the project on a local server and watche for changes. CSS changes should be hot-loaded instantly in the browser.

gulp clean ~ Clear the build directory.

gulp deploy ~ Deploy the application to a web service. Surge host static sites really well. Customise the gulpfile.js configuration to set a custom domain.

Normally I just run gulp watch in a Terminal window, and let the build scripts manage themselves. The only time you'll need to break the watch is when you modify the build scripts or the files they're watching. For example, if you add new .swig files or a new entry point for Webpack.


All the packages required to run the Gulp build script.

src folder

Contains "the files you edit". SCSS and JavaScript files to get you going.


Contains the HTML template files. Best bet is to read the Swig documentation, and start with index.swig inside the pages directory.

Inside of the layouts directory you will find base.swig. This file contains a standard HTML5 document wrapper and includes the built out statics (app.js, app.scss, etc.)

Swig uses the same syntax that Django developers will be familiar with.


Contains "the files you don't edit". Destination directory of all Gulp tasks responsible for building out the project (see the section on the gulpfile.js). All the files inside of the build directory are on the .gitignore and are ephemeral. If they were deleted tomorrow and it causes you tears, you're probably doing it wrong.


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    • maxbarry