
1.4.3 • Public • Published


generator-marbles-craftinstall is a Yeoman generator for Craft CMS installs

Type just yo marbles-craftinstall and a new Craft CMS project install tailored to your liking will be created.

generator-marbles-craftinstall is based on nystudio107's generator-craftinstall Yeoman template.


Install the generator with the following command:

yarn global add generator-marbles-craftinstall


To create a new project and use generator-marbles-craftinstall to scaffold it:

yo marbles-craftinstall

generator-marbles-craftinstall will prompt you to choose from a list of installs that define various Craft CMS environments. You can use the two that are included by default, but the real power comes when you create your own (see below).

NOTE: Craft is subject to licensing. This generator assumes you have read the terms of the Craft License Agreement, which are available here

generator-marbles-craftinstall will do the following for you:

  1. Ask you which install to use for this Craft CMS install; installs are a combination of settings and files used to scaffold your Craft CMS install
  2. Ask you for the name of your application (appName)
  3. Download the lastest Craft CMS
  4. Delete the default craft/templates, craft/config/db.php, and craft/config/general.php
  5. Move the public/htaccess file to public/.htaccess so that Apache will read it
  6. Create new craft/config/db.php and craft/config/general.php files with your appName filled in, and a multi-environment config for development & production. The database user & db name are both set to appName
  7. Create new bower.json and package.json files with your appName filled in, for use with Bower and NPM
  8. Copy over .csslintrc, .gitignore, and .jshintrc files into your project
  9. Copy over any folders of boilerplate files you want (base Craft CMS templates, base CSS, scripts, whatever)
  10. Clone Craft CMS plugins that you use with your projects from Github
  11. Set the permissions properly for your Craft CMS install; you might need to chgrp -R WEBSERVER_GROUP on the project folder, depending on your setup
  12. Run yarn and yarn run dev on your project, so it's ready to go
  13. Execute arbitrary shell commands when the install is finished

Dependencies (6)

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