
1.4.1 • Public • Published

Production ready, but use with caution. When stuck, ask Pieter.

Trying out Yeoman to do our project setup in a breeze with some simple questions and conditional downloading.


One command to rule them all: $ npm install -g yo generator-mrhenry.

Let's get ready to rumble.


Main generator

$ yo mrhenry

Runs a basic, one time setup of the front-end approach on top of your existing back-end files. You'll have to answer a few questions to get you started.

Note - when asked if you want to override certain files, answer yes

Note - verify that everything is working correctly by trying to run $ gulp watch


Running this setup gives you a basic view for ApplicationPage (living in /pages/application/application) as an example, the base class for all resources, basic setup & configuration and the following NPM modules:

  • mr-haraway for easy image embedding (with size optimizing & retina support, woop!)
  • mr-nav-state for all your .is-active CSS goodness
  • fd-html-content for robust HTML rendering (still to be ported to NPM)

Other just-add-water NPM modules maintained by us include:

  • mr-timeago for when 20 minutes ago works better than an UNIX timestamp

Subgenerators (Angular.js)

This is where the cool becomes awesome. Using subgenerators we can generate all neccessary views & files in a breeze.


yo mrhenry:ng-page name [--resource resource] [--path path]

Creates an @Page instance. This name should be a Lalala page type for it to work out of the box.


  • --path - specify a path where the page folder should be created.
  • --resource - create an overview & detail state for a certain resource. More on resources below.


Basic usage

Let's say you want to have a custom view for your Lalala HomePage.

$ yo mrhenry:ng-page home

Add import './pages/home/home'; to your application.js, build & you're good to start styling!

Resource overview

You have a page of type NewsPage and you want that to be an overview of Post model instances. Post will be a resource (see below) in the front-end app.

$ yo mrhenry:ng-page news --resource post

Import ./pages/news/news, build, et voila. With routes etc!

It is very easy to render the childs inside an overlay. Check with Pieter until the README is updated.


yo mrhenry:ng-resource name [--endpoint endpoint] [--controller]

A resource is an easy way to handle custom models in the back-end if we stick to some basic conventions concerning HTTP endpoints.

A resource has certain methods that return promises with the JSON response. Benefits are:

  1. In-memory caching: two same calls won't be made twice in one browsing session. Instead, the promise will resolve instantly.
  2. Consistent formatting: all responses will go through the resources format() method, so you can rest assured all properties will be available, making undefined is not a function a thing of the past.


  • --endpoint - override default pluralization of resource name; to avoid sheeps and keep with sheep ;)
  • --controller - generate a Rails controller with index and show methods


As in the above page overview example, let's create a Post resource.

$ yo mrhenry:ng-resource post

You now have a Post service that you can @Inject everywhere. Possible calls:

Post.all.then(posts => { doSomething(posts); });
Post.find(2).then(post => { renderDetail(post); });


$ yo mrhenry:ng-component name [--template]

Just a quick way to create a directive because hell yeah, we're lazy.


  • --template - Use this flag if you want your directive to have an HTML template


$ yo mrhenry:ng-service name

As above, a quick way to create a service because, …, still lazy.

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  • fd
  • yvesvanbroekhoven