A node.js cli app generator for Yeoman.
- pure mocha tests
- no grunt
- no gulp
- creates man pages from markdown files
This is a improved version of https://github.com/walidsa3d/generator-nodecli
To install from npm, run:
$ npm install -g generator-nodecli-awesome
Initiate the generator:
$ yo nodecli-awesome
This generator will install the following files:
- package-json - initialized with the answers to all your questions.
- .travis.yml - set up so you can push and get travis-ci continous integration tests.
- .gitignore - ignore the usual stuff.
- LICENSE - MIT license initialized with your details.
- README.md - Initialized with your details and travis-ci badges.
- index.js - Initial library file
- test/index.js - unit test using mocha and chai
- man/manpage.1