
1.4.0 • Public • Published

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Yeoman generator for AngularJS projects with GruntJS

generator-nswebangular is yeoman based generator for building a new Angular SPA (Single Page Application). It is created as a sum of everything that you can find all over www and which is really necessary and helpful to start your work of building Angular application.


In order to use this generator-nswebangular, you'll need to install the latest version of nodeJS and for Windows users Ruby. Once when you install the latest version of nodeJS, or you already have it, you'll need to install globally following packages using node package manager (npm):

  • yo
  • generator-nswebangular
  • grunt
  • grunt-cli
  • bower

To do so, you can just simply run npm command

npm install -g yo generator-nswebangular grunt grunt-cli bower

Once when you install Ruby or you already have it, you'll need to install following ruby gems (required for Grunt tasks):

  • sass
  • compass

To do so, you can just simply run command

gem install sass compass

Once you are done with installation of all prerequisites, you'll be good to go to use generator-nswebangular.


Make a new project directory, and cd into it:

mkdir 'path/to/the/project/directory' && cd 'path/to/the/project/directory'

If you are done with this step, it is time to run and use generator-nswebangular using following command:

yo nswebangular [projectName]

for example:

yo nswebangular myAngularApp

if you want to skip installation of the node and bower dependencies you can use --skip-install generator option, but this is not required if you running installation for a first time:

yo nswebangular myAngularApp --skip-install


Available generators (sub-generators):


Sets up a new AngularJS app, generating Grunt file with tasks and all the boilerplate you need to get started. The app generator also optionally installs additional AngularJS modules and libraries, such are Moment, Lodash and Angular UI Utils.


yo nswebangular myAngularApp


Generates a controller in app/assets/app/controllers.


yo nswebangular:controller contact

Produces app/assets/app/controllers/contact.controller.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').controller('contactCtrl', contactCtrl);
    contactCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
    /* @ngInject */
    function contactCtrl($scope) {
        // ...

Optionally, you can generate also view along with controller by passing --view option.

Generates a controller in app/assets/app/controllers. Generates a view in app/assets/app/views.


yo nswebangular:controller contactCtrl --view

Produces app/assets/app/controllers/contact.controller.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').controller('contactCtrl', contactCtrl);
    contactCtrl.$inject = ['$scope'];
    /* @ngInject */
    function contactCtrl($scope) {
        // ...

Produces app/assets/app/views/contact.html:

    <h1 ng-bind="::title"></h1>


Generates a directive in app/assets/app/directives.


yo nswebangular:directive myDirective

Produces app/assets/app/directives/my-directive.directive.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').directive('myDirective', myDirective);
    myDirective.$inject = [];
    /* @ngInject */
    function myDirective() {
        /* jshint validthis: true */
        var directive = {
            restrict: 'AE',
            scope: {},
            link: linkFunc
        return directive;
        function linkFunc(scope, el, attr, ctrl) {


Generates a filter in app/assets/app/filters.


yo nswebangular:filter contact

Produces app/assets/app/filters/contact.filter.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').filter('contact', contact);
    function contact() {
        return contactFilter;
        function contactFilter(params) {
            return params;


Generates an AngularJS factory in app/assets/app/factories.


yo nswebangular:factory myFactory

Produces app/assets/app/factories/my-factory.factory.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').factory('myFactory', myFactory);
    myFactory.$inject = [];
    /* @ngInject */
    function myFactory() {
        /* jshint validthis: true */
        var factory = {
            activate: _activate
        return factory;
        function _activate() {


Generates an AngularJS provider in app/assets/app/providers.


yo nswebangular:provider myProvider

Produces app/assets/app/providers/my-provider.provider.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').provider('myProvider', myProvider);
    function myProvider() {
        /* jshint validthis: true */ = 'Default';
        this.$get = [function() {
            var name =;
            return {
                sayHello: function() {
                    return 'Hello, ' + name + '!';
        this.setName = function(name) {
   = name;


Generates an AngularJS service in app/assets/app/services.


yo nswebangular:service myService

Produces app/assets/app/services/my-service.service.js:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('app').service('myService', myService);
    myService.$inject = [];
    /* @ngInject */
    function myService() {
        /* jshint validthis: true */
        this.activate = function() {


Generates a view in app/assets/app/views.


yo nswebangular:view myView

Produces app/assets/app/views/my-view.html:


Application Directory Layout

app/                            --> all of the source files for the application
  index.html                    --> the main html template for the application
  favicon.ico                   --> favicon file
  assets/                       --> all app assets
    app/                        --> anugular app related files
      controllers/              --> angular app controllers directory
        about.controller.js     --> about controller logic
        home.controller.js      --> home controller logic
        shell.controller.js     --> shell controller logic
      directives/               --> angular app directives directory
      factories/                --> angular app factories directory
      filters/                  --> angular app filters directory
      providers/                --> angular app providers directory
      services/                 --> angular app services directory
      views/                    --> angular app partial views directory
        about.html              --> about partial view template
        home.html               --> home partial view template
        shell.html              --> shell partial view template
    bower_components/           --> 3rd party libraries managed by bower
    css/                        --> css source files
      style.css                 --> default stylesheet
    fonts/                      --> fonts source files
    images/                     --> images source files
      logo.svg                  --> logo image file
    js/                         --> app JS files
      app.js                    --> main application module
      config.js                 --> config/constant build version
dist/                           --> distributable version of app built using grunt and Gruntfile.js
e2e-tests/                      --> end-to-end tests directory
  specs/                        --> scenarios directory to be run by Protractor
    index.spec.js               --> end-to-end scenarios to be run by Protractor
  protractor.conf.js            --> Protractor config file
node_modules/                   --> npm managed libraries used by grunt
src/                            --> source directory used as SCSS/SASS compiling source
  scss/                         --> SCSS/SASS directory
    mixins/                     --> mixins
    modules/                    --> common modules
    partials/                   --> partials
    vendor/                     --> CSS or Sass from other projects
    style.scss                  --> primary Sass file
unit-tests/                     --> unit tests directory
  specs/                        --> scenarios directory to be run by Karma
    demo.spec.js                --> unit test scenarios to be run by Karma
  karma.conf.js                 --> Karma config file
.bowerrc                        --> bower configuration file
.gitattributes                  --> git attributes file
.gitignore                      --> git ignore config file
.jshintrc                       --> jshintrc config file
.travis.yml                     --> travis ci continuous build config file
.yo-rc.json                     --> yeoman configuration options file
bower.json                      --> package definition manifest for bower
config.json                     --> build configuration file
Gruntfile.js                    --> Grunt build file
package.json                    --> package definition manifest for Node/npm

Gruntfile.js & Grunt tasks

Gruntfile.js contains following main grunt tasks:


Grunt default task runner.




grunt default

Grunt default snippet:

grunt.registerTask('default', [

Grunt default task contains following grunt sub-tasks:

  • sass:dev - SCSS/SASS compiler for development (expanded CSS style)
  • ngconstant:dev - Used to create angular constant/config file(development build version)
  • jshint - JSHint
  • injector:dev - Inject references (js files and stylesheets) into a html file
  • injector:bower - Inject bower references into a html file
  • connect:livereload - Starts a local webserver with rewrite rules and livereload
  • open - Open the webserver in the browser
  • karma:continuous:start - Starts karma server for watch task
  • watch - Watching development files and run compile tasks

Grunt Build

Grunt build task runner. Running tests, applying new build version, copy, minify application files into dist directory, adding file revisions and perform content optimization for distribution.


grunt build

Grunt build snippet:

grunt.registerTask('build', [
    'bump-only:'+ version,

Grunt build task contains following grunt sub-tasks:

  • clean - Cleans distribution (dist) files and folders
  • bump-only:patch - Bump package version (patch by default) for distribution and updates config.json and package.json version
  • sass:dist - SCSS/SASS compiler for distribution (compressed CSS)
  • test - Runs grunt test task
  • copy - Copy app files and folders in dist directory
  • jshint - JSHint
  • ngconstant:dist - Used to create angular constant/config file (distribution build version)
  • uglify - Compresses and minifies all JavaScript files
  • filerev:dist - Static asset revisioning through file content hash
  • injector:dist - Inject references (js files and stylesheets) into a html file for distribution
  • injector:bower - Inject bower references into a html file for distribution
  • imagemin:dist - Compresses and minify images
  • htmlmin:dist - Minify HTML

Grunt build task can take a option --semver. By default this option is included and its value is --semver=patch. This option will tell bump grunt task which version application will have. This option could have following values: patch, minor, major, prepatch, preminor, premajor, prerelease etc. More about these values you can check out here.

Build with minor updated version example:

grunt build --semver=minor

Grunt Test

Grunt test task runner.


grunt test

Grunt test snippet:

grunt.registerTask('test', [

Grunt test task contains following grunt sub-tasks:


Grunt test task runs two types of testing:

Unit Tests

Karma is JavaScript command line tool which is used to runs unit test by using Jasmine test framework and angular-mocks. To use Jasmine with Karma, we use the karma-jasmine test runner. Browsers that are used for unit tests are: Chrome, Firefox or PhantomJS.

unit-tests/                     --> unit tests directory
  specs/                        --> scenarios directory to be run by Karma
    demo.spec.js                --> unit test scenarios to be run by Karma
  karma.conf.js                 --> Karma config file

End-to-end Tests

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor is using web-drivers to start Java Selenium server and using Jasmine test framework runs the test against application. Protractor can use Chrome or Firefox (or other) browsers to perform e2e tests which could be set in protractor.conf.js file.

e2e-tests/                      --> end-to-end tests directory
  specs/                        --> scenarios directory to be run by Protractor
    index.spec.js               --> end-to-end scenarios to be run by Protractor
  protractor.conf.js            --> Protractor config file

Continuous Integration

Travis CI

Travis CI is a continuous integration service, which can monitor GitHub for new commits to your repository and execute scripts such as building the app or running tests. The generator-nswebangular and also generated angular application project contains a Travis configuration file, .travis.yml, which will cause Travis to run your tests when you push to GitHub.

You will need to enable the integration between Travis and GitHub. See the Travis website for more instruction on how to do this.


Recent changes can be viewed on Github on the Releases Page


ISC license


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