Yeoman generator for Turris.js standalone ES6 React components
About Turris.js
Turris.js is a combination of existing libraries and tools that allows fast and simple creation of single page web applications using ES6.
This is a generator for standalone components. For more information please find the main generator in it's own github repository.
Getting Started
Refer to main Turris.js generator requirements.
$ npm install -g generator-turris-component
$ yo turris-component
Learning Your Way Around
Once installed, you can create a basic Turris.js React component by following the prompts.
$ mkdir HelloWorld-Component
$ cd HelloWorld-Component
$ yo turris-component
| | .--------------------------.
|--(o)--| | Welcome to the |
`---------´ | stupendous |
( _´U`_ ) | TurrisComponent |
/___A___\ | generator! |
| ~ | '--------------------------'
´ ` |° ´ Y `
? Your component name: (HelloWorld-Component)
To run your component in test mode, just type npm start
Project Structure
- /index.js - Component entry point
- /style/ - LESS style files
- /src/index.js - React component definition
- /src/template.jsx - React template
- /test/ - Unit and functional tests
- /config.js - Build config
- /gulpfile.js - Gulp bootstrapper
- /webpack.config.js - Webpack config for development
- / - Webpack config for production
Add more docs and a proper test suite.