
0.0.1 • Public • Published

Vulcan Scaffolding

Yeoman based MeteorJS scaffolding tool.

Getting Started

git clone

in the directory

npm install

npm link

yo vulcan

Yo Vulcan

Will setup file structure as .meteor .finished-upgraders .gitignore .id packages platforms release versions client compatibility views includes accessDenied.html footer.html nav.html notFound.html layouts masterLayout.html static about.html home.html landingPage.html login.html privacyPolicy.html register.html tos.html privacyPolicy.html main.html main.js lib collections posts.js controllers PostsControllers.js methods.js routes.js public fonts img js server accounts.js methods.js publish.js

Packages in the original app

The idea behind the generator was to make a simple out of the box concept. The following are packages that will be present in out of the box: accounts-password aldeed:autoform aldeed:collection2 cooperm:side-comments fortawesome:fontawesome iron:router twbs:bootstrap useraccounts:bootstrap useraccounts:core dsyko:hopscotch aldeed:delete-button accounts-google service-configuration standard-minifiers meteor-base mobile-experience mongo blaze-html-templates session jquery tracker logging reload random ejson spacebars check yogiben:admin dburles:collection-helpers alanning:roles fortawesome:fontawesome

yo vulcan:forge

The forge subgenerator is designed to createa CRUD setup using Aldeed's simple schema and autoforms combined with iron router. You'll have to agree to overwrite the publish.js and routes.js as both contain a string hook to have information written inside of it.

You'll be prompted for a specific name of your schema. Write the schema as you would into your database. So for example wanting a Cats schema.

Cat. The generator alters the Cat to cat at a few locations and also appends an S to it. So when using yo vulcan:forge make sure to use the right information.

You will almost immediatly have to update

  1. Collections
  2. Routes
  3. createObject.html
  4. editObject.html
  5. listObject.html

As these are cookie cutter statements.

yo vulcan:forge

What is the name of your schema? Car

Generators the following

lib routes.js collections Cars.js controllers carsController.js client views cars create createCar.html createCar.css createCar.js edit editCar.html editCar.js listCar.js listCar.html

The URL structure can be found in Routes but it follows this.

/cars Lists all of the cars using a simple table. /cars/create a insert form /cars/:_id/edit Edit ability on a specific item


A nice article about yeoman writing generators


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