Javascript - Native Autocomplete.
npm install getaddress-location-native
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="textbox_id" >
<div><input id="postcode" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="outcode" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="area" type="text"></div>
<label>Town or City</label>
<div><input id="town_or_city" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="county" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="country" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="latitude" type="text"></div>
<div><input id="longitude" type="text"></div>
getAddress.location("textbox_id","API Key");
The full list of options, and their defaults:
latitude:'latitude', /* The id of the element bound to 'latitude' */
longitude:'longitude', /* The id of the element bound to 'longitude' */
area:'area',/* The id of the element bound to 'area' */
town_or_city:'town_or_city',/* The id of the element bound to 'town_or_city' */
county:'county', /* The id of the element bound to 'county' */
country:'country', /* The id of the element bound to 'country' */
postcode:'postcode', /* The id of the element bound to 'postcode' */
outcode:'outcode' /* The id of the element bound to 'outcode' */
id_prefix:'getAddress-autocomplete-native' , /* The id of the textbox and list container */
delay:200, /* millisecond delay between keypress and API call */
minimum_characters:2, /* minimum characters to initiate an API call */
select_on_focus:true, /* if true, highlights textbox characters on focus*/
alt_location_url:undefined, /* alterative local location URL (when API key is not used) */
alt_get_location_url:undefined, /* alterative local get location URL (when API key is not used) */
suggestion_count:6, /* number of retreived suggestions (max 20) */
filter:undefined, /* the suggestion filter (see Location API)*/
bind_output_fields:true, /* if true, bind the output_fields to the address*/
input_focus_on_select:true, /* if true, sets the focus to the textbox after selecting an address*/
debug:false, /* if true, logs behavior */
enable_get_location:true /* if true, retreives location on select */,
set_default_output_field_names:true /* if true, defaults output field names to JSON field names*/
document.addEventListener("getaddress-location-native-suggestions", function(e){
document.addEventListener("getaddress-location-native-suggestions-failed", function(e){
document.addEventListener("getaddress-location-native-selected", function(e){
document.addEventListener("getaddress-location-native-selected-failed", function(e){