Just a wee module to help out with a project - grabs the most recent stuff from hacker news every 5 mins.
The way I have it set up currently:
- In middleware.js:
var newsScrape = require('gethackernews');
- In exports.initLocals:
locals.hotnews = newsScrape.hotnews;
Then in the jade tempate
-var hotNews = eval("( " + locals.hotnews + ")");
-for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
a(href=hotNews.hits[i].url, target="_blank")=
you could just do each hit in hotNews.hits
but I was only after 10, not the full 60(ish - I think) articles that it gets.
=== If anyone else is interested, or if any future projects use this I'll probably look into formatting and sanitising the hotnews variable, it's just a string at the moment which is why the jade is evaluating it into JSON.