
1.2.5 • Public • Published

Ghost Express Auth Module


npm install ghost-express-auth --save


This module is built on top of express and can be imported as a means to handle user authentication in your application. Pass in a configuration file and your DB, and the module defines routes to handle login, registration, password reset and role management.

There are also various exposed middleware objects that can be used for managing user access and permissions.


const GhostExpressAuth = require('ghost-express-auth');
const GhostAuth = new GhostExpressAuth(config, Db);
const AuthRouter = GhostAuth.AuthRouter;
app.use('/auth', AuthRouter);

The following methods are available:

Endpoint Description
GET /authorized Get authorization
GET /request-password-reset/:email Request an email with a link to reset password
GET /verify-reset-token/:token Verify that a reset token exists and has not been used
POST /login Login
POST /register/:role Register
POST /reset-password Reset a password
### `GET /authorized`

Example Request

$http({method: 'GET', url: "/auth/authorized"})
.then(response => ...)
.catch(response => ...)

Example Response

  "profile": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Justin Tucker"
  "authorization": {
    "role": "user"
  "status": "ACTIVE"
### `GET /request-password-reset/:email`

Example Request

const requestPasswordReset = (email) => {
  return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/auth/request-password-reset/' + email})
        .then(response => ...)
        .catch(response => ...)


200 success, email sent

4** email address is not in system

5** server error

### `GET /verify-reset-token/:token`

Example Request

const verifyResetToken = (tokenId) => {
  return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/auth/verify-reset-token/' + tokenId})
        .then(response => ...)
        .catch(response => ...)


200 token is valid and unused

4** token is expired (over 24 hours old) or already used

5** server error

### `POST /login`

Example Request

const login = (email, password) => {
  $http({method: 'POST', url: "/auth/login", data: {email: email, password: password} })
  .then(response => ...)
  .catch(response => ...)


Example Response

Note: tkn is returned as an encoded JWT string

  "tkn": {
    "user": 1,
    "expires": "1/1/2017",
    "role": "admin"
  "role": "admin"
### `POST /register/:role`

Example Request

const register = (email, password, role) => {
  $http({method: 'POST', url: "/auth/register/" + role, data: {email: email, password: password} })
  .then(response => ...)
  .catch(response => ...)


Example Response

Note: tkn is returned as an encoded JWT string

  "tkn": {
    "user": 1,
    "expires": "1/1/2017",
    "role": "admin"
  "role": "admin"
### `POST /reset-password`

Example Request

Note: the server will validate that the provided reset token ID is linked to the provided email address.

 * @param {Object} data 
 * @param {String} 
 * @param {String} data.password 
 * @param {String} data.token 
 * @returns {Promise} 
const resetPassword = (data) => {
  $http({method: 'POST', url: "/auth/reset-password", data: data })
  .then(response => ...)
  .catch(response => ...)



200 token is valid and unused

4** token is expired (over 24 hours old), already used, or not linked to provided email address

5** server error


  • authSecret: Secret key used for Bearer authorization tokens
  • email: Configure email settings
  • enabled: [BOOLEAN] if enabled, module will attempt to use email functionality,
  • baseUrl: the base url of your website, to be used in generating urls sent as substitutions in emails,
  • processor: ['mailchimp'|'sendgrid'] *currently only supporting mailchimp
  • mailchimp:
    • defaults: email defaults
      • fromEmail
      • fromName
      • replyTo
  • templates: the various available templates for emails. each has 2 properties templateName and subject
    • passwordResetNotification: sent to user upon successful password reset
    • passwordResetRequest: sent to user upon requesting a password reset,
    • welcome: sent to user upon registering
  • roles: Configure user role settings
    • {roleObject} An object whose key is the name of the user role (e.g. 'user', 'admin', 'guest').
      • notifyAdminsOnRegistration: Notifying all users with 'admin' role when a user with this role registers. The following variables will be available in the template: userName, userEmail, registeredAt, userRole
        • enabled [BOOLEAN] whether or not to implement notification logic
        • templateName [String] the template of the email to send admins
        • subject [String]

Example config file

      "authSecret": "super$ecure",
      "email": {
        "enabled": true,
        "baseUrl": "",
        "processor": "mailchimp",
        "mailchimp": {
          "defaults": {
            "fromEmail": "",
            "fromName": "The Email Guy",
            "replyTo": ""
          "secretKey": "[your mailchimp secret key]",
          "mandrill": "[your mandrill key]"
        "templates": {
          "passwordResetNotification": {
            "templateName": "password_reset_notification",
            "subject": "Password Reset Notification"
          "passwordResetRequest" : {
            "templateName": "password_reset_request",
            "subject": "Password Reset Request"
          "welcome": {
            "templateName": "welcome_user",
            "subject": "Welcome to Ghost Creative!"
      "roles": {
        "user": {
          "level": 1,
          "notifyAdminsOnRegistration": {
            "enabled": true,
            "templateName": "new_user_notification",
            "subject": "Ghost Creative Has a New Patient!"
          "secret": "IMALITTLETEAPOT",
          "welcomeEmail": {
            "templateName": "welcome_user",
            "subject": "Welcome to Ghost Creative!"
        "admin": {
          "level": 2,
          "notifyAdminsOnRegistration": {
            "enabled": true,
            "templateName": "new_admin_notification",
            "subject": "New Ghost Creative Admin Registration"
          "secret": "admins",
          "welcomeEmail": {
            "templateName": "welcome_admin",
            "subject": "Welcome to Ghost Creative!"


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