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Gister: Embed GitHub Gists without inline <script> tags

Sometimes you don't want to use GitHub's embed <script> for sharing Gists on your website. Gister allows you to embed GitHub Gists in <code> elements within your HTML identified by data-* attributes with values set to public Gist id's.

The <code> elements can be rendered server or client side before embedding your Gists.


npm install gisted   (d not r)

bower install gister


Gister(dataAttrName [, callback(el)])

Constructs a new instance of Gister. dataAttrName is required.

For example, if your gists will go inside <code data-gist-id> elements then you would create a new instance like new Gister("gist-id").

NOTE: "gist-id" is just one example. dataAttrName can be any string that through concatenation with "data-" creates a valid data-* attribute.

callback is an optional function to invoke for each Gist after it has been embedded into the parent <code> element. The callback will be passed a reference to the <code> element.


for server side rendered <code> elements

If the <code> elements are rendered on the server then you want to use fetch. This way you can do new Gister('gistId').fetch() to immediately update all <code data-gistId> elements found in the DOM.

If you load Gister with an inline <script data-attrName='gistId'> tag then fetch is whats used behind the scenes.


for client side rendered <code> elements

Use MutationObserver to watch the DOM node identified by selector for changes and update the innerHTML of all child <code data-{dataAttrName}> elements with the Gist identified by the value of the data-{dataAttrName} property.

For example, you might update a <div id='content'> element with some HTML that contains a <code data-gistId='00e3c4c4e42c8c4b174a'> element after page load. In that case you would do new Gister('gistId').observe('#content') some time before <div id='content'> is updated to ensure the contents of the gist identified by 00e3c4c4e42c8c4b174a are included on the page.

poll(selector [, duration])

for client side rendered <code> elements

If you want support for older browsers without MutationObserver you can try poll. Its used in exactly the same way as observe except it supports an optional duration parameter to specifiy how many seconds to poll. Polling defaults to 10 seconds otherwise.

NOTE: polling will cease once your Gist has been embedded, regardless of whether duration seconds has elapsed.

How To Use

As window global loaded with an HTML <script> tag:

<script src='/bower_components/gister.js'></script>
  or to update <code data-gistId> elements in the DOM immediately
  (without using the Gister API at all)
<script src='/bower_components/gister.js' data-attrName='gistId'></script>

As a CommonJS/node module:

var Gister = require('gisted') // note the 'd' not 'r'
// To update <code data-gist> elements in the DOM immediately
new Gister('gist').fetch()
// If the '#container' element is dynamically updated with <code data-gist> nodes
new Gister('gist').observe('#container')

As an AMD module:

require(['gister'], function (Gister) {
   // If using Gister with dynamic (ajax) content
   new Gister('myGist').observe('body')
   // Otherwise update the DOM with Gists immediately
   new Gister('myGist').fetch()


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