This plugin creates Bootstrap like callouts for your GitBook. All three GitBook themes (White, Sepia, Night) are supported. This project took heavy inspiration from
Add the plugin to your book.json
"plugins" : [ "bootstrap-callout" ]
Create callouts
Callouts are an extension of markdown blockquotes. All callouts must start with a h4 header, the callout type, and a title. The format for this is:
For Markdown:
> #### type::Title
> Content
Supported callouts are:
> #### primary::Title
> #### success::Title
> #### danger::Title
> #### warning::Title
> #### info::Title
If you leave out the type a default callout is used.
> #### Title
> Content
Callouts are case-insensitive.
The callouts in action (White theme):
- 0.1.0 Releases:
- 0.1.0 First release
- 0.1.1 Some text changes
- 0.1.2 Show title only if it has a value (thanks arikfr)