
1.0.2 • Public • Published

Goten Versioning


To install this package,

$ npm install -s goten-versioning


To use it,

const GotenVersioning = require('goten-versioning')

And then you can access the GotenVersioning classes and functions. Here's a list of defined ones:


This package aims to help versioning routes for a project with the following structure. Example:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const router = express.Router()
const controllerV1 = require('./routes/api/v1/testController')
const controllerV2 = require('./routes/api/v2/testController')
// default (same as v1)
router.get('/test', controllerV1.getTestV1)
// v1
router.get('/v1/test', controllerV1.getTestV1)
// v2
router.get('/v2/test', controllerV1.getTestV1)
router.get('/v2/test2', controllerV2.getTestV2)
// v3
router.get('/v3/test2', controllerV1.getTestV1)
app.listen(8001, () => {
  console.log("Running on port 8001")

Using Goten Versioning, you would do it this way:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const router = express.Router()
// Goten imports
const GotenRoute = require('goten-versioning').GotenRoute
const GotenVersion = require('goten-versioning').GotenVersion
const GotenRouteVersioner = require('goten-versioning').GotenRouteVersioner
const gotenVersionManager = require('goten-versioning').GotenVersionManager
const METHOD = require('goten-versioning').GotenMethods
const controllerV1 = require('./routes/api/v1/testController')
const controllerV2 = require('./routes/api/v2/testController')
// v1 and default
const version1 = new GotenVersion([
  new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test", [controllerV1.getTestV1]),
// v2
const version2 = new GotenVersion([
    new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test2", [controllerV2.getTestV2]),
// v3
const version3 = new GotenVersion([
    new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test2", [controllerV1.getTestV1]),
const routeVersioner = new GotenRouteVersioner([version1, version2, version3])
// creates router and sets versioned routes
app.listen(8001, () => {
  console.log("Running on port 8001")

You can see that when using the package we are adding more lines to the code, but this saves us from having to copy/paste every single line of app.use. Imagine if we had 5 different versions, with tons of endpoints each. We would be copy/pasting every single call to app.use, which can make our app unmantainable.

With goten-versioning, we aim to make this easier for the developer. You define your routes once, your versions, which by default use previous routes, changing their path from /v1/* to /v2/*, so you don't need to make the same calls again (you can still ignore previous endpoints you no longer want to give support to, and you can deprecate versions too). When you have your versions, we use GotenRouteVersioner to generate (from an array of GotenVersion) an object that is understandable to GotenVersionManager. We then have a router with all our versioned routes (and a default / path that is the same as v1). When we want a new version, we just add our new or changed routes, and that's it. No more copy/pasting horror.

A good directory structure will help if coming from a non-GotenVersioning project, but if you weren't so lucky you can start separating routes from other logic you might have lying around (including controllers), and after that it should take a little less than an hour to complete the 'migration' on a medium-sized project (we tested this on one of our apps - that has about 20 routes - and it took about 15 minutes or so, with a bunch of copy/pasting). When done, you will be glad when your client asks you to add some functionality or change existing ones (or not, but it will sure be less frustrating) because all you have to do is define what you are getting requested to do and that's it, no repetition.


Exports an object that defines HTTP methods (supported by express) as strings.

const METHOD = require('goten-versioning').GotenMethods
console.log(METHOD.GET) // prints 'get'


Exports the class GotenRoute. An instance of this class represents a route that has as attributes method (one of GotenMethod), path (a string that represents the relative path, which does NOT include the version), middlewares (an array of middlewares that express supports, where the last one is the controller to use) and name, which is an optional argument where we define the name of the GotenRoute (by default, it gets defined as method + path).

const METHOD = require('goten-versioning').GotenMethods
const GotenRoute = require('goten-versioning').GotenRoute
const controllerV1 = require('./routes/api/v1/testController')
const controllerV2 = require('./routes/api/v2/testController')
// in this case the name is "get/test"
const routeGetTest = new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test", [controllerV1.getTestV1])
// in this case the name is "testRoute"
const routeGetTestWithName = new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test2", [controllerV2.getTestV2], "testRoute")


Exports the class GotenVersion. An instance of this class represents a version that has as attributes routes (an array of GotenRoute) and ignorePrevious, which is an optional attribute to define which routes from previous versions should get ignored. It should receive an array of strings, which map to the name of the GotenRoute (by default, it gets defined as an empty array '[]').

const METHOD = require('goten-versioning').GotenMethods
const GotenRoute = require('goten-versioning').GotenRoute
const GotenVersion = require('goten-versioning').GotenVersion
const controllerV1 = require('./routes/api/v1/testController')
const controllerV2 = require('./routes/api/v2/testController')
const controllerV3 = require('./routes/api/v3/testController')
// v1 routes
const version1Route1 = new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test", [controllerV1.getTestV1])
const version1Route2 = new GotenRoute(METHOD.POST, "/test", [controllerV1.postTestV1])
const version1Route3 = new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test/:id", [controllerV1.getTestByIdV1])
// v2 routes
const version2Route1 = new GotenRoute(METHOD.GET, "/test2", [controllerV2.getTestV2], "testRoute")
// v3 routes
const version3Route1 = new GotenRoute(METHOD.POST, "/test", [controllerV3.postTestV3])
// default and v1
const version1 = new GotenVersion([
// v2
const version2 = new GotenVersion([
// v3
const version3 = new GotenVersion([

In this example, we defined some routes, which we will use in different versions. For instance, version1 will have the following endpoints:

GET .../test
POST .../test
GET .../test/:id

version2 uses version1, and adds 'version2Route1'. Results in:

GET .../test
POST .../test
GET .../test/:id
GET .../test2

version3 uses version2, adds 'version3Route1' that replaces version1Route2 (the route with the same name, 'post/test'), and ignores the route that has 'get/test/:id' as name (version1Route3).

GET .../test
GET .../test2
POST .../test

You can also deprecate() a version. By calling this method you will prohibit users from using '/{{deprecatedVersionName}}/*', but any subsequent versions will be able to use every endpoint of the deprecated version.

For instance, if we don't want users to access version1, but we want to use its endpoints in subsequent versions:



Exports the class GotenRouteVersioner. An instance of this class is used to encapsulate versions. We pass versions as an array of GotenVersion. These will be transformed to generate versioned routes. The order of the array DOES matter, being the first element considered the v1 route, the second, v2, and so on.

const GotenRouteVersioner = require('goten-versioning').GotenRouteVersioner
const routeVersioner = new GotenRouteVersioner([version1, version2, version3])

After instanciating, we can get the versioned routes by accessing routeVersioner.getVersionedRoutes(). This returns an object where the keys are the name of each version (v1, v2, etc...) and the values are the associated GotenVersion.


Exports an object that has functions as attributes. We can call these two functions:

  • createRoutes(routes), where routes is the object 'GotenRouteVersioner.getVersionedRoutes()' (as seen in GotenRouteVersioner). It creates endpoints on a express.Router(), based on the routes for each version.

  • getRouter(), returns the express.Router().

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const gotenVersionManager = require('goten-versioning').GotenVersionManager


To contribute to this package, we propose the following workflow:

  • Add an issue with related tags to describe the contribution (is it a bug?, a feature request?)
  • Branch your solution from develop, with the name as #<issue_number>_<descriptive_name>
  • Pull request and wait for approval/corrections




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  • nicolas-meilan
  • tcanusso
  • joncolque
  • lucasp90