Grafana icon select
Sometimes you want to use an icon similar to your set/map colors/names as in your plugins. Grafana already has many icons inside. Let's use them. Grafana already has many icons inside. Let's use them.
The proposition is "icon-select" feature for Grafana. It's supposed to be a new directive or something else.
It's not possible to install it to Grafana now. The repo is mostly for developers. Before starting to code, I have some questions to community
Selected state
In "normal" state user see icon and it's name:
Input begin
When user clicks to input, it removes it`s content and opens a selection box with all possible icons:
User can type a value to filter icons:
Questions to community
- Would you use it and how?
- How to distribute?
- Contibute to the main project?
- Create "app"?
- Remove code duplication with
(extract typeahead feature?)
- Help me to write nice Angular directive: Model & etc
- UI/UX suggestions
- Performance optimizations: the list is really big
- Create selection list dom element only once?
- Create a roadmap if we decide to make it
- create a ploygon for testing
- collect requirements