
0.9.9 • Public • Published

gremlin-console is a frontend library that generates a console to query gremlin-server (or gremlin-server enabled graph databases like Titan). It is compatible with Apache TinkerPop3. It can be extended via plugins to support visualization and output format (amongst other things)

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This is the gremlin-console library used for gremlin-console can :

  • Execute gremlin queries against gremlin-server
  • Display query results (with syntax highlighting)
  • Maintain a query + result history (for easy re-runs using up/down arrows as well as any manipulation of the history that could be required)
  • Be extended via plugins

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Getting started

Using ES2015/2016
import GremlinConsole from 'gremlin-console';
//create a console + input combo by passing css selectors to GremlinConsole
const gc = GremlinConsole('#console-window', '#console-input', {host: "localhost", port: 8182});
In browser
  <!-- ... -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="umd/css/default.css">
  <script src="umd/gremlin-console.min.js"></script> 
//create a console + input combo by passing css selectors to GremlinConsole
var gc = GremlinConsole.create('#console-window', '#console-input', {host: "localhost", port: 8182});

The available options are :

  • host: The host gremlin-server can be reached on (defaults to localhost)
  • port: The port to connect to gremlin-server on (defaults to 8182)
  • driverOptions: An map of all the configuration options for the console's client. See jbmusso/gremlin-javascript for the default client.


--WARNING-- Due to the nature of gremlin-console being executed locally in the browser and communicating directly with gremlin-server, there are some security implications. If you can't trust your users or are using gremlin-console-js outside of the scope of a secure network (ie : public network) you will need to enable sandboxing (amongst other things) on gremlin-server. This configuration is required to ensure that people running queries in the console don't get access to secure server side information.

Another option (though not a replacement to sandboxing) is to use gc-ajax-plugin which will allow you not to expose the gremlin-server websocket. This has more overhead but it will provid the added benefit that you can handle Authentication and Authorization on your server app level. (see plugin section)

Populating the console on init

You can prepare the state of the graph as well as the queries and results display in the console upon initializing by providing a history object in the options:

// Start an instance of gremlin-console
var gc = GremlinConsole('#console-window', '#console-input');
// Provide a history array to populate the graph
// In this case we create a modern graph "graph", with a traversal object "g".
  {query: "graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();", error: undefined, results: [null]},
  {query: "g = graph.traversal();", error: undefined, results: [null]}

What happens under the hood : gremlin-console will concatenate the n-1 queries from the provided history and submit them to the server. Essentially setting the graph's state. Then it will rerun the last query so as to trigger the proper events.


You can register lambdas against events as follows :

const gc = GremlinConsole('#console-window', '#console-input', {host: "localhost", port: 8182});
gc.on('results', (err, result) => {});

There are currently only two supported events :

  • results is triggered when the client receives a response from the server. It provides the following params:
    • err : An object with an err.message property.
    • result : A Parser object.
  • error is triggered when a structural error occurs (different from a query error). It provides the following params:
    • err : An Error object.


The following plugins are currently available for gremlin-console :

  • gc-graphson-text-plugin : Modifies the output display. Makes the console show the results in the same way the Apache TinkerPop terminal console displays it's results.
  • gc-ajax-plugin : Makes gremlin-console run it's queries against an http web page instead of directly against the gremlin-server's websocket. This can help provide more control over Authentication and Authorization of users on your website.
  • gc-cytoscape-plugin : highly experimental A graph visualization tool for gremlin-console. This is only useful for very small data sets.

If you're interested in developping plugins check the plugin documentation.


You can find the API here.


  • Build libs : npm run build and find file lib/index.js
  • Build web js : npm run build:umd and find file umd/gremlin-console.js
  • Build web min.js : npm run build:min and find file umd/gremlin-console.min.js
  • Run tests : npm run test will run mocha coverage (firefox required)
  • Build api : npm run build:docs will generate an api folder.


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