Get Elo rankings for your chess, backgammon, or other strategy games. Visit NPM for more info.
yarn add gruman-elo
npm install gruman-elo
// Import necessary modules from React, including useState for managing state and useEffect for side effects
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
// Import the Elo rating calculation function from the 'gruman-elo' package
import getElo from 'gruman-elo';
// Define the App component
const App: React.FC = () => {
// State to track the initial Elo rating of the winner, starting at 1500
const [winnerElo, setWinnerElo] = useState<number>(1500);
// State to track the initial Elo rating of the loser, also starting at 1500
const [loserElo, setLoserElo] = useState<number>(1500);
// State to track the match length, defaulting to 1
const [matchLength, setMatchLength] = useState<number>(1);
// State to hold the calculated Elo ratings for both winner and loser
const [elo, setElo] = useState<{ winner: number; loser: number }>({
winner: 1500,
loser: 1500
// useEffect hook to calculate and update the Elo ratings whenever
// winnerElo, loserElo, or matchLength change
useEffect(() => {
const elo = getElo(winnerElo, loserElo, matchLength); // Call the Elo calculation function
setElo({ winner: elo.winner, loser: elo.loser }); // Update state with new Elo ratings
}, [winnerElo, loserElo, matchLength]); // Dependencies: recalculate on change
// Render the form with input fields for winnerElo, loserElo, and matchLength
// Display the updated Elo ratings for both winner and loser
return (
<div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: '100vh', flexDirection: 'column'}}>
{/* Input for Winner Elo */}
<label>Winner Elo:</label>
onChange={e => setWinnerElo(parseInt(}
style={{marginBottom: '1rem'}}
{/* Input for Loser Elo */}
<label>Loser Elo:</label>
onChange={e => setLoserElo(parseInt(}
style={{marginBottom: '1rem'}}
{/* Input for Match Length */}
<label>Match Length:</label>
onChange={e => setMatchLength(parseInt(}
style={{marginBottom: '1rem'}}
{/* Display the calculated Elo ratings */}
<li>Winner: {elo.winner}</li>
<li>Loser: {elo.loser}</li>
// Export the App component as the default export
export default App;