
0.1.16 • Public • Published


Bemo is a Sass-based project starter meant to be a starting point and structural guide rather than a full framework. It's bare enough to not interfere with your custom styles or scripts, but yet has enough functioning modules to jumpstart a project in no time.

Bemo strictly follows the BEM naming methodology, and is heavily inspired by the inuit.css framework.

Bemo is accompanied by a Grunt task that easily lets you generate:

  1. custom icon webfonts starting from a set of SVGs
  2. retina-ready, resizable sprites


A Bemo project will look like this:

├── fonts
│   └── svg
├── images
│   └── sprites
└── stylesheets
    ├── blocks
    ├── formats
    ├── functions
    ├── keyframes
    ├── mixins
    ├── variables
    └── application.sass

The fulcrum of the whole tree lies in the stylesheets/blocks directory, which will contain all the blocks that compose your frontend styling.


A preview of the BEM blocks available with Bemo is available here:

Rails one-liner setup (for the lazy ones)

Just type this into you project folder, and it will setup Grunt for you:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

grunt-bemo plugin

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-bemo --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:



In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named bemo to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  bemo: {
    scaffold: {
      sassRoot:   "app/assets/stylesheets"
    webfonts: {
      src:        "app/assets/fonts/svg",
      fontDest:   "app/assets/fonts",
      sassDest:   "app/assets/stylesheets/variables/_icon-glyphs.sass"
    sprites: {
      src:        "app/assets/images/sprites",
      imageDest:  "app/assets/images/sprites-{{density}}.png",
      sassDest:   "app/assets/stylesheets/variables/_sprites.css.scss"
  • scaffold.sassRoot: The path to your project stylesheets
  • scaffold.sassExt: The extension to give to the Sass files (default: sass)
  • scaffold.force: Forces the overwriting of existing files
  • webfonts.src: The path containing your 512x512px SVGs
  • webfonts.fontDest: The path where the custom webfont will be created
  • webfonts.sassDest: The path where the SASS file containing infos about the icons will be created
  • sprites.src: The path containing your PNG images
  • sprites.imageDest: The path where the retina and non-retina sprite images will be created
  • sprites.sassDest: The path where the SASS file containing infos about the sprites will be created

'bemo-scaffold' task

Once configured, you can easily scaffold the skeleton of you Bemo project with the grunt bemo-scaffold, which will copy all of the files for you.

> grunt bemo-scaffold

Running "bemo-scaffold" task

Bemo scaffolder

✓ Created the dir app/assets/stylesheets
✓ Created the dir app/assets/fonts/svg
✓ Created the dir app/assets/images/sprites

Hurray! You should now be able to run the `grunt bemo` task!

'bemo' task

Every time a new SVG icon or sprite image is added to the project, you'll need to run the grunt bemo task to generate the new assets, and refresh two Sass files:


$sprite-size: (
  width:   478px,
  height:  250px
$sprite-images: (
  first-sprite: (
    x:             0px,
    y:             0px,
    width:         85px,
    height:        250px


$icon-glyphs: (
  checkmark: "\f102",
  cross: "\f103",


Bemo depends on the following Sass libraries:


npm install
npm link
cd docs && npm link grunt-bemo
npm install
bower install
grunt dev


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

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npm i grunt-bemo

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  • stefanoverna