Uses Email Builder to inline css into HTML tags, send tests to Litmus, and send test emails to yourself.
As of v3.0.0, you will no longer be able to use the data-ignore
attribute. Instead, use data attributes data-embed
and data-embed-ignore
to prevent email builder from inlining css styles.
<!-- styles will be inlined --> <!-- styles will be embedded --> <!-- link tag will be preserved and styles will not be inlined or embedded --> <!-- styles will be inlined --> <!-- styles will be embedded --> Heading Body
You can see an example setups below
Getting Started
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-email-builder
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
Place this in your grunt file.
emailBuilder: test : files : 'dest/ouput.html' : 'src/input.html'
To build your files dynamically
files : expand: true src: '**/*.html' dest: 'dest/'
View Email Builder options for all available options.
Example Usage
emailBuilder: inline: files: 'dest/output.html' : 'src/input.html' options: encodeSpecialChars: true litmus: files: 'dest/output.html' : 'src/input.html' options: encodeSpecialChars: true litmus: username: 'username' password: 'password' url: '' applications: 'gmailnew' 'ffgmail' 'chromegmail' grunt;grunt;
If you're having issues with Litmus taking forever to load a test or the title of the test is showing up as "No Subject", it is most likely an issue with the Litmus API. You can check the Litmus status page to find out if their having any issues. If that's not the case, submit an issue and we'll look into further.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Thanks to all contributors for helping out.
Further Reading
Release History
Release v2.0 Documentation