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0.1.0 • Public • Published



Check WordPress plugin ’tested up to’ headers and compare with versions from the API.

This Grunt plugin helps to check that your 'tested up to' and 'WC tested up to' headers have not fallen behind the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce. It's useful in automated checks prior to releasing a plugin.

Sample task output

This Grunt plugin is a wrapper for the wptools module. It will:

  • Fetch the 'tested up to' header from the plugin readme.txt file (and optionally the 'WC tested up to' header from your plugin's main PHP file).
  • Check the latest version of WordPress and WooCommerce via the API.
  • Report a pass or fail depending on whether the 'tested up to' versions need to be bumped.

A pass result looks like this:

$ grunt wptools
Running "wptools:test_wordpress" (wptools) task
PASS: WordPress is at 4.9.8, plugin is tested to 4.9.

Running "wptools:test_woocommerce" (wptools) task
PASS: WooCommerce is at 3.4.4, plugin is tested to 3.4.

Here's a fail result:

$ grunt wptools
Running "wptools:test_wordpress" (wptools) task
>> FAIL: WordPress is at 4.9.8, plugin is tested to 3.9.
>> Update the 'Tested up to:' version in /path/to/plugin/readme.txt.
Warning: Task "wptools:test_wordpress" failed. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

The Grunt task will not auto-fix 'tested up to' version numbers. You should test your plugin with the latest WordPress or WooCommerce and update the tested up to headers manually if all is well.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

$ npm install grunt-wptools --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it can be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "wptools" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named wptools to the object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  wptools: {
    test_wordpress: {
      options: {
        test: 'wordpress',
        readme: 'readme.txt',
    test_woocommerce: {
      options: {
        test: 'woocommerce',
        plugin: 'plugin.php',

test_wordpress and test_woocommerce can be named as you wish.

You can omit the test_woocommerce section if this is not a WooCommerce plugin.

The 'readme' and 'plugin' options should be strings containing paths relative to your Gruntfile.

It's expected that your readme contains a 'Tested up to: x.x' header.

The plugin.php should be the entry point to your WordPress plugin that contains your 'WC tested up to: x.x' header.

Release History

0.1.0 Initial release

Dependents (0)

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  • ndc