A Password Creator Tool which suggest strong password and Hash The password using SHA256 Algorithm. This program makes the password using the combination of small charater, capital charater, digit and special charater. And SHA256 hash code will hash the password.
npm install hashpas -g
npm i hashpas -g
SHA-256 is one of the most secure hashing functions on the market. The US government requires its agencies to protect certain sensitive information using SHA-256.
write the program name passing the length of password, number of charaters, number of digits, number of special charaters needed as your password. after running it will show the password and the hash code for the password.
For exmaple: If i need a password of length 10, containing 5 charaters, 3 digits, 2 special charater, for that we have to type
hashPas 10 5 3 2
- length of the pasword 10
- alphabet count of the pasword 5
- digit count of the pasword 3
- special charater count of the pasword 2
- Genrated Password: A:4+wa6u7d
- SHA256 HEX CODE: af99f733a36dc57fd4b3d76daed893dfb279adc1341a8cd7a7f6487dbb0fa7e0
for need nay help type this below command in the terminal I/P
hashPas help
- I/P ---> means input
- o/p ---> means output