Hd Wallet deterministic address generation and recovery tool(HD钱包地址生成,恢复工具)
Please contact us if you have any special needs(如有定制需求请联系) txdev6@gmail.com
$ npm install hd-address-cli -g
$ yarn global add hd-address-cli
HD Wallet coin type list (bip44)
m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
/ -- index 0 -> address
coinType 0(btc) -- account 0 -- change 0
/ \ -- index 1 -> address
root -- BIP44
coinType 60(eth) -- account 0 -- change 1 -- index 0 -> address
const HDWallet = require('hd-address-cli')
// CIL methods
HDWallet.cli.generateMnemonic({lang: "CN"}) //随机生成中文助记词
HDWallet.cli.generateSeed() //随机生成种子
HDWallet.cli.generateBase58() //随机生成base58秘钥
HDWallet.cli.generateAddress(option) //批量产生地址 eg. {mnemonic: "aa", coin: "BTC",columns: "pri,path",index:1}
// create HD Wallet methods
HDWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic) // 根据助记词创建默认的BTC钱包
HDWallet.fromSeed(seed,"TRX") // 根据seed 创建 TRX钱包
let hdWallet =HDWallet.fromBase58(base58,"ETH") // 根据Base58创建ETH钱包
// HD Wallet methods
hdWallet.derive(`m/0'/0/1`).getAddress() //根据hdpath生成对应coin的地址
hdWallet.derive(`m/0'/0/1`).getPublicKey() //根据hdpath生成对应coin的公钥
hdWallet.derive(`m/0'/0/1`).getPrivateKey() //根据hdpath生成对应coin的私钥
hdWallet.derive(`m/0'/0/1`).hdpath() // 获取完整hd path
Interactive CLI
rice range hybrid gather civil broccoli innocent pipe pottery worry hub crisp
$ hd_cli -h
Usage: hd_cli <cmd> [args]
Commands: //子命令: 用来生成根密钥
hd_cli mnemonic [strength,lang] Generate random mnemonic //随机生成助记词: 可选参数强度和语言。[low,mid15,mid18,high]
hd_cli seed [strength] Generate random seed //随机生成种子,
hd_cli base58 [strength] Generate random base58 //随机生成base58密钥
-c, --coin coin name (e.g.
[string] [required] [default: "BTC"] //指定生成coin的地址,默认BTC
-i, --index Account Index (e.g. 6) [number] //HD wallet 规范中账户index
-l, --columns Columns to display (e.g. pub,pri,path) [string] //控制显示的表的列
-r, --range Account Index Range (e.g 1-100) [string] [default: "1-10"] //按照index 范围生成地址。和index只能选择一个
-m, --mnemonic Mnemonic [string] //传入的助记词,和seed和base58只能选择一个
-s, --seed Seed in hex format [string] //传入 种子
-b, --base58 Base58 format [string] //传入 base58
-p, --path You can specify account and change path (e.g. 'm/20'/0/')
[string] [default: 'm/1'/0/']//可以指定 account和change部分
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
hd_cli -c "BTC" -m "tag volcano eight thank tide" -l pri
Use Case
- Generate mnemonic:(随机生成多种语言,不同强度的助记词)
$ hd_cli mnemonic
$ hd_cli mnemonic -l CN -s mid15
$ hd_cli mnemonic -l JA -s mid18
$ hd_cli mnemonic -l EN -s high
- Generate seed and base58:(随机生成seed和base58)
$ hd_cli base58
$ hd_cli seed -s mid15
- Display the address at a particular account index:(显示指定的index的地址)
$ hd_cli -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -i 4
│ (index) │ address │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '19d4qTx2Lzkq5nuBYqwMn3swQGbe8GMEB3' │ 'BTC' │ 4 │
- Display the account address derived from a range of ETH account indexes:(显示ETH帐户索引派生的帐户地址)
$ hd_cli -c "ETH" -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -r 5-10
│ (index) │ address │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '0x8c7f1ecea37e0e417dd0bcfA04b9126bCd519E2D' │ 'ETH' │ 5 │
│ 1 │ '0x4518EDBE22288D2A353a77dBA10726aC06109aa8' │ 'ETH' │ 6 │
│ 2 │ '0x6cA7296E2a9A72060513F282a43557C10bB447FC' │ 'ETH' │ 7 │
│ 3 │ '0xB39D5530A5Df35e3A110d2c00Daf9d7bbBa1A502' │ 'ETH' │ 8 │
│ 4 │ '0x20648Aece94410F2E3A8f9dF59d7b29Dd7Cbf825' │ 'ETH' │ 9 │
│ 5 │ '0xffA71a7face390cfD8fA71b1Dd04F77eaFAa5C6c' │ 'ETH' │ 10 │
- Display the private keys of Trx accounts:(显示Trx帐户的私钥)
$ hd_cli -c "TRX" -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -r 5-10 -l pri
│ (index) │ address │ pri │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ 'TFKPFK8rQXG75hKjvPcLuMU7duRD5Z3JX1' │ 'acfc5662fbac8aea7bf3eeb9c6ee8a2c188fbe76336b2bc83444734827afec0a' │ 'TRX' │ 5 │
│ 1 │ 'TE8Gnnot8sDcyytxYsuwFuU4owq94zRg4x' │ 'e2e4cc77e0fed2d4a764f796342ccc22241aa9f5b90f5b39bb4080ee5462a910' │ 'TRX' │ 6 │
│ 2 │ 'TY4H5iAnwJLVNAjUgGz4cd4h4cbT8LbsSS' │ '2f36c469e0d8579a1ab4fa9f927db274f21b8be2fc558f8a9fe2701765b954ec' │ 'TRX' │ 7 │
│ 3 │ 'TQuhbGn3Ex7zQCLWhDJw8k9aDPBJ2rZ7Sn' │ '055e71ac0d4b89c7fc1f5b53291578389e690d37bbf09a2e0b8f4f4c76e947e9' │ 'TRX' │ 8 │
│ 4 │ 'THb6YEqbpQwg84wL3EyEXP5zmp9YUxrcyS' │ 'c837155977f9489f9b23d510b4622529abf2191bc9d67cc2f27127dcb432ced1' │ 'TRX' │ 9 │
│ 5 │ 'TCVVDB1MsiQXJHE1z72eykKWTK3wuL6Jr3' │ '0f5f852bf11b369d09b1755eff426ea4f89cf42b89e8f9a01987558dee713aa2' │ 'TRX' │ 10 │
- Display the HD path of the account:(显示地址对应的HD路径)
$ hd_cli -c ETH -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -i 3 -l path
│ (index) │ address │ path │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '0x5A9C156ba5297a573986BE25C468c01284E93512' │ "m/44'/60'/1'/0/3" │ 'ETH' │ 3 │
- Use a custom HD path:(用户自定义HD path)
$ hd_cli -c ETH -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -p "m/20'/0/" -l path,pri -r 0-3
│ (index) │ address │ path │ pri │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '0xBa59F66B853f1ACB242bcC57ef188754Fc79434b' │ "m/44'/60'/20'/0/0" │ 'a4a7e3e62839dd97c5abfde41c635fa71a00dc5a69c5a0324c8759108701329d' │ 'ETH' │ 0 │
│ 1 │ '0xbf4cFeb783b913c0eD1710f00e9AE1844D597c86' │ "m/44'/60'/20'/0/1" │ '93221ffcd3dea9816ec7b6f69f34ab5f7dc1bd3d0be19a3da395d929bdea8238' │ 'ETH' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ '0x62b6ffac78674392e0c30eC042636E22907FbCD2' │ "m/44'/60'/20'/0/2" │ '8fc1b1839cd9e5901f534bf22a385c9b78907aa3e417399e140e10f9c0231b38' │ 'ETH' │ 2 │
│ 3 │ '0xce8bf9293cF5C4e9EcB50Aa8F9E42adF568ae356' │ "m/44'/60'/20'/0/3" │ '93b1302f88019cfd120f83677274447ae76112be7e31b6aee59928fbb9a12584' │ 'ETH' │ 3 │
- Display multiple columns:(显示多列内容)
$ hd_cli -m "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" -l "pri,path" -r 0-2
│ (index) │ address │ path │ pri │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '1LKrREbJ6RVckGMFVCxsXSLWrrvG8U7owQ' │ "m/44'/0'/1'/0/0" │ '4923e84b81af6edc3203587eed7075c89563e83bf44b2496a1b0fb8579a0584b' │ 'BTC' │ 0 │
│ 1 │ '19vd1joP63XzfxSLyA9XMF6ArbhRYwvues' │ "m/44'/0'/1'/0/1" │ 'ab81bfbd4741d69dc6f867556dd022c97bd11baeb02e2bdc33011b69a4c1909b' │ 'BTC' │ 1 │
│ 2 │ '14G5AvVQmauXP6idrS9pGx2TT27xgo9MY1' │ "m/44'/0'/1'/0/2" │ '44c3bc65f21661f8fdeb37e49826e78a0c10a2c5b8864bb293e41826cad87e32' │ 'BTC' │ 2 │
- Pipe mnemonic or base58:(管道的方式导入助记词或base58)
$ echo "tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy" | hd_cli -c BTC -i 1
$ echo xprv9s21ZrQH143K4LNZvyv81JjVubcS891ij8CCEA4Bax159a4btLcz1qaHPRm2yr3bWawDX7B8gzAP6rVwY3BorBeWMYcsehtCzkMXA7nJB3g | hd_cli -b -c ETH
│ (index) │ address │ coin │ index │
│ 0 │ '1LKrREbJ6RVckGMFVCxsXSLWrrvG8U7owQ' │ 'BTC' │ 0 │
Recommended Usage
Secret does not stay at history after cli is turned off (如下操作,密钥不会保存在操作历史中)
//1.Write the secret to env(将密钥写入环境变量)
mnemo="tag volcano eight thank tide danger coast health above argue embrace heavy"
echo $mnemo
//2.View the operation history and delete it (查看操作历史删除包含密钥的历史记录)
history -d {history id}
//3. User secret (在 cli中使用变量)
echo $mnemo | hd_cli -m