This package has been deprecated

Author message:

hempwick is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash.


0.0.2 • Public • Published


Hempwick is the array library to go with your hashish. Eventually.

Truth be told, I just don't like requiring underscore when the only thing I use from it is the zip function. While I'm at it, I plan on making some more useful tidbits for array manipulation action.

Hempwick is in its infancy. In fact, you may call it a fetus. But, it's coming along, and it will eventually be pretty rad. Eventually.


chunk(n, xs)

chunk returns an array of arrays, where the ith sub-array contains elements ni, ni+1, ... n(i+1)-1. For example:

> hw.chunk(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

In a sense, it's the opposite of a flatten, which will likely be implemented at a later date.


This sub-module implements a large chunk of Data.List functions from Haskell. It's largely undocumented at this point. Here are a few, though:

zip(xs, ys, ...)

Returns a list with elements (x_i, y_i, ...). For example:

>[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9])
[[1, 1], [2, 4], [3, 9]]

zip may take more than two arguments.

zipWith(fxn, xs, ys, ...)

zipWith is a more general form of zip, which takes a function that "does something" with each set of x_i, y_i. In fact, zip is implemented with zipWith! For an example:

> hw.zipWith(function(x,y) {return x+y;}, [1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1])
[4, 4, 4]


This submodule implements some tools for making new lists. There's an unfortunate cognitive dissonance due to what python & friends call generators. As such, this submodule may get a name change.

range([start], stop, [every])

Acts like the range operator from many languages, but was specifically inspired by python. Examples:

> hw.range(5)
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

> hw.range(2,5)
[ 2, 3, 4 ]

> hw.range(0,10,2)
[ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

linspace(from, to, length)

Acts like linspace from matlab.

logspace(logFrom, logTo, length)

Acts like logspace from matlab.

Things Done Later:

As I mentioned, Hempwick is still in its fetal stages. We're not sure if it's a boy or girl yet (figuratively)! What this means is that there are a number of directions it could go, and the author is unsure as to which directions would be best. However, here are some ideas for future functionality:

"fancy indexing"

For nested arrays, this would allow for indexing "by columns", as well as grabbing particular coordinates. Were this to be implemented, it would likely be fairly similar to the indexing API of numpy's Arrays. However, the author isn't sure how well this sort of functionality would jibe with the 1D-oriented functions used in most of Hempwick so far. So, the jury is still out, so to speak.

node-lazy integration

Given that the author learns how to use node-lazy, he will likely implement lazy versions of many of the list generating tools.

Hashish-esque Chainable API

Hempwick, despite being inspired by Hashish, does not currently have a chainable API, one of Hashish's hallmarks. Chances are that it will eventually have chainable versions for most of the array manipulation functions (if not all!), though unlike Hashish, Hempwick also has a number of array-generating functions. How these will be used with Hempwick's eventual chainable interface is unknown.

Who knows?

Will Hempwick be a blond(e), brunette, or a redhead? Blue, green or brown eyes? Who knows? The possibilities are endless!


If you use npm, this should work nicely:

npm install hempwick

Alternately, hempwick.js is currently self-contained.


Hempwick rocks expresso.

Pull requests?

Why yes, I would be interested!






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  • jesusabdullah