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Welcome to the Holo project!

See the site at https://holo.gomorton.com

Introducing Holo, a next-gen facial recognition method of styling front-end elements! Using the face-api library, I obtain coordinates of the user's face, a virtual light source, and the element's center to calculate its radial-gradient and shadow. These two attributes were chosen for their malleability as sharp movements / animations based off of facial recognition looks inaccurate and jerky at this point in time. Hopefully in the future these will improve as facial recognition becomes more precise and devices more powerful, being able to run multiple Holo elements without draining battery and limiting performance. I hope you enjoy the Holo project and help push the limits of modern day computing!

Install via NPM:

npm install holo-project

Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/K-E-L/holo.git

How to run the example site:

  1. Create a directory called "demo" and enter it
mkdir demo ; cd demo
  1. Install the Holo project via NPM
npm install holo-project
  1. Install "live-server" for a simple server
npm install live-server -g
  1. Enter the example site and start the server
cd node_modules/holo-project/example_site
  1. Start the server

How to use Holo in your own project:

  1. Install the Holo project via NPM
npm install holo-project
  1. Copy the holo.min.js file into your project directory
cp dist/holo.min.js ../../path_to_your_site
  1. Copy the face-api.min.js file into your project directory from the face-api-site
  2. Create a "models" directory in your project directory from the site face-api-models-site
git clone https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js-models.git models
  1. Create a script file in your project directory
touch script.js
  1. Reference the script file and the face-api file in your index.html
<script defer src="face-api.min.js"></script>
<script defer type="module" src="script.js"></script>
  1. Reference the holo file at the top of your script file
import './holo.min.js'
  1. Add the "holo" class name to the elements that you want to have the Holo effect on

How to update the Settings:

After the "import './holo.min.js' " line in your script.js file, modify the attributes in "holo.global.settings". Such as...

holo.global.settings.lighten_amp = .7
Setting Default Description
gradient_to_light .2 Radial gradient amplification relative to the Light source
shadow_to_face .08 Shadow amplification relative to your Face
shadow_to_light .08 Shadow amplification relative to the Light source
light_x 420 Light source x coordinate
light_y 0 Light source y coordinate
lighten_amp .45 Radial gradient brightness compared to its default color
interval_value 100 The delay of setInterval(). A lower number means a faster refresh rate and will cause a smoother experience if the device is able to handle the increase in calculations.


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