Homebridge plugin for Revolution PIs digital I/O modules
This plugin provides HomeKit switches for the digital outputs of the RevPi DIO & RevPi DO. Additional the digital inputs can be configured as some type of sensor inpur.
Both digital outputs and inputs uses the type names of the digital outputs as setup in PiCtory.
- Prepare RevPi core
- Install homebridge
- Install & Setup this plugin
You can skip the first 2 steps, if homebridge is already running on your RevPi core.
Prepare Revolution Pi
Install at least a jessie image on the Rev Pi core.
Remove old node.js:
sudo -i
apt-get remove nodered -y
apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy -y
Install node.js version manager. This will install node.js and npm.
curl -L https://git.io/n-install | bash
Create configuration in PiCtory
Install homebridge
The installation instructions can also be found here.
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
run homebridge using homebridge
to check if it is correctly installed. The message "No plugins found. See the README for information on installing plugins." should appear.
Install & Setup RevPiDO plugin
Install plugin dependencie "RevPiModIO":
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-revpimodio2
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-revpidio
Create or Update your hombridge configuration file. See sample_config.json
or snippets below.
Configuration Digital Ouptuts
Configuration sample:
accessories : [
"accessory": "RevPiDO",
"name": "A Light",
"output_name": "O_3",
"type": "light",
"invert": false
- "accessory": Must always be "RevPiDO" (required)
- "name": Can be anything (required)
- "output_name": type name of the digital output given in PiCtory (e.g. "O_1" for output 1). (required)
- "type" : one of the following option ["switch", "light", "fan"] default: "switch"
- "invert":
, output is logical inverted, optional default:false
Configuration Digital Inputs
Configuration sample:
accessories : [
"accessory": "RevPiDI",
"name": "An Input",
"input_name": "I_3",
"type" : "motion",
"invert": false
- "accessory": Must always be "RevPiDI" (required)
- "name": Can be anything (required)
- "input_name": type name of the digital input given in PiCtory (e.g. "I_1" for input 1). (required)
- "type" : one of the following option ["contact", "motion", "smoke", "leak", "occupancy", "button"*, "state"**, "doorbell"***] default: "contact"
- "invert":
, input is logical inverted, optional default:false
*: Button with no state, e.g. trigger for a scene
**: Like a switch, this switch can not switche manually
***: currently not supported in iOS (may be in the future, use motion)
Configuration PiCore Info
To show the RevPi core temperatur use this accessory.
Configuration sample:
accessories : [
"accessory": "RevPiCore",
"name": "My RevPi core"
- "accessory": Must always be "RevPiCore" (required)
- "name": Can be anything (required)
Contributions & Thanks
Special thanks for contributions:
- Sven @ https://revpimodio.org/ (python library + bug report)