fork of gitbook-plugin-search-plus
This HonKit pulgin is a fork of https://github.com/lwdgit/gitbook-plugin-search-plus.
The behavior of the default search plugin is not intuitive especially for Japanese
that is not "word"-base text.
gitbook-plugin-search-plus is more straightforward but seems to have some points to be improved.
Here are some changes.
- preserve full text of page to be searched
- characteres like '<', '>' are preserved
- search results are sorted by page summary
- add sequence number to each search result
- keyword feature is removed because it does not match requirements
Hereinafter, original README.md starts.
A powerful search plugin for GitBook.
* Search any character
* Search across element (for search code)
* Remember search url
Use this plugin
Before use this plugin, you should disable the default search plugin first,
Here is a book.json
configuration example:
plugins: ["-lunr", "-search", "search-plus"]
Note: Only gitbook >= 3.0.0 support
Open https://lwdgit.github.io/gitbook-plugin-search-plus/ or test it by yourself
> git clone git@github.com:lwdgit/gitbook-plugin-search-plus.git -b gh-pages
> cd gitbook-plugin-search-plus
> npm install
> npm start
And then open