
2.3.0 • Public • Published


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Converts .svg files into inlined <svg> tags within the output html of templates parsed by html-webpack-plugin.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
    1. Getting To Your SVGs
    2. Sample Project Structure
    3. Default Config
    4. Incorrect File Paths Or URLs
    5. Duplicated Attributes
  5. Config
  6. Versions
  7. Contribution
  8. License


By inlining SVGs you can combine them with techniques such as: Icon System with SVG Sprites.

As of version 1.0.0 by default this plugin processes SVG files after all template and image files have been written to their corresponding output directory. This allows it to work alongside loaders, after webpack resolves all file locations.

Please note: to use aliases you will need to install loaders to resolve your svg paths and parse the templates html. Check Getting To Your SVGs section for more info.

As of version 1.1.0 the plugin can also be run prior to the output of your templates. This allows you to reference image files from the root of your project which can help with getting to certain files, i.e. within your node_modules directory. More info is provided below: Setting runPreEmit option.

The plugin relies on SVGO to optimise SVGs. Check Config for more details.


  • Optimises/minimizes the output SVG.
  • Allows for deep nested SVGs.
  • Supports webpack aliases for file locations.
  • Ignores broken tags (in case you are outputting templates for various parts of the page).
  • Performs no html decoding (supports language tags, i.e. <?php echo 'foo bar'; ?>).
  • Can load image files locally and from an online URL with the allowFromUrl option.


Install the plugin with npm:

$ npm install --save-dev html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin

or Yarn:

$ yarn add --dev html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin


Require the plugin in your webpack config:

const HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin = require('html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin');

Add the plugin to your webpack config as follows:

plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
    new HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin()

Add img tags with inline attribute and .svg file as src to your template/s that the html-webpack-plugin is processing (the default is index.html).

<!-- Works: below img tag will be removed and replaced by the content of the svg in its src -->
<img inline src="images/icons.svg">
<!-- Ignored: this img will not be touched as it has no inline attribute -->
<img src="images/foo.svg">
<!-- Broken: the plugin will ignore this src as it is not an svg -->
<img inline src="images/i-will-be-ignored.png">

Getting To Your SVGs

Breaking change: As of version 1.0.0 the plugin waits for webpack to resolve image locations and write them to disk. If you were using a version prior to 1.0.0 then it is likely you'll need to update the src paths to your inline SVGs to reflect this change. See below for more info.

There are three ways of working with your <img> src attributes and this plugin:

  1. If you are not working with loaders to allow webpack to parse and resolve the img tags src attributes within your html-webpack-plugin templates. Use paths that are relative to your svg images from the output location of the template that is referencing it.

  2. Alternatively use loaders such as html-loader to parse the html templates, and file-loader or something similar, to resolve the paths of your img tags src attributes. As the plugin works after webpack has emitted all its assets and html-webpack-plugin has output your templates, it will read the SVGs that webpack places in your output directory, and replace any inlined img tags with this content.

  3. Set the runPreEmit flag and reference files relative to your package.json file. This feature is only available with version >= 1.1.0. Check Config and the runPreEmit option for more info.

Sample Project Structure

├── package.json
├── webpack-config.js
├── node_modules
└── src
    ├── index.html
    └── images
        ├── icons.svg
        └── foo.svg

Default Config

With the above structure inlining icons.svg would look like:

<img inline src="images/icons.svg">

If an alias was in place for the images directory, i.e.

'img': path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'images')

Then the svg can be inlined with: <img inline src="~img/icons.svg">. This method would require the use of loaders on your templates as shown above in point 2.

Incorrect file paths or URLs

If for any reason the path to a local SVG file is incorrect, or the file fails to be read, or an image retrieved with an URL fails to download, the webpack build process will fail with an error, like ENOENT.

Duplicated attributes

All the attributes of a <img/> element excepting src and inline will be copied to the inlined <svg/> element. Attributes like id or class will be copied to the resulting root of the <svg/> element and if the original SVG file already had these attributes they will be duplicated (and not replaced) on the resulting <svg/> element, though the attributes coming from the <img/> will appear first and any subsequent duplicated attribute from the original SVG will be ignored by the browser.

For example:

<img inline src="images/icons.svg" id="myImageIMG" class="square"> <!-- img element to be replaced  -->
<svg id="myImageSVG">...</svg> <!-- icons.svg file to be inlined  -->

will result in:

<svg id="myImageIMG" class="square" id="myImageSVG">...</svg>

The broswer will use id="myImageIMG" and not id="myImageSVG". It's however a better approach if you avoid having any duplicated attribute at all and only putting the required ones on the <img> element.


The plugin accepts the below options:

  • runPreEmit: defaults to false. If you aren't using loaders to resolve file locations, and would prefer to reference image paths relative to the root of your project (where your package.json file resides) then set the plugins runPreEmit config option to true:

    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
        new HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin({
            runPreEmit: true,

    The plugin will now run prior to html-webpack-plugin saving your templates to your output directory. It will also expect all <img inline src attributes to be relative to your package.json file.

    Therefore with the above project structure, and runPreEmit set to true, inlining icons.svg would look like:

    <img inline src="src/images/icons.svg">
  • inlineAll: defaults to false. It will inline all SVG images on the template without the need of the inline attribute on every image:

    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
        new HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin({
            inlineAll: true

    If inlineAll option is enabled you can use the inline-exclude attribute to exclude a particular image from being inlined:

        <img src="src/images/icon1.svg"> <!-- it will be inlined -->
        <img inline-exclude src="src/images/icon2.svg"> <!-- it won't be inlined -->
  • allowFromUrl: defaults to false. It allows to use SVG images coming from an URL online in addition to local files:

    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
        new HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin({
            allowFromUrl: true

    For example:

       <img inline src=""> <!-- it will be inlined from the online SVG -->
  • svgoConfig: defaults to []. SVGO is used to optimise the SVGs inlined. You can configure SVGO by setting this svgoConfig array with the SVGO plugins you need in the same way it's done in this SVGO official Node.js example.

    Note svgoConfig is an array of Objects that will be assigned to the .plugins SVGO config variable by html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin. You don't need to pass an Object with a plugins property assigned an array of SVGO plugins, just pass the array:

    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
        new HtmlWebpackInlineSVGPlugin({
            svgoConfig: [
                    removeViewBox: false
                    inlineStyles: {
                        onlyMatchedOnce: false

    html-webpack-inline-svg-plugin modifies one SVGO default: cleanupIDs, from true to false, since IDs allow to reference individual symbols. You can still override this or any other SVGO plugin default configuration with this svgoConfig option.


The latest version of this package supports webpack 4. All versions marked v2.x.x will target webpack 4 and html-webpack-plugin v4.

For webpack 3 and html-webpack-plugin v3 support use v1.3.0 of this package.


  • Support webpack v4.
  • Support html-webpack-plugin v4.


  • Support webpack v3.
  • Support html-webpack-plugin v3.


You're free to contribute to this project by submitting issues and/or pull requests. This project is test-driven, so keep in mind that every change and new feature must be covered by tests.

I'm happy for someone to take over the project as I don't find myself using it any longer due to changes in workflow. Therefore others are likely to be in a better position to support this project and roll out the right enhancements.


This project is licensed under MIT.

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  • thebigsurf