HTMoL is a light-weight full-stack plugin-free application to display the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of biomolecules. HTMoL can be used as a graphical interface to access MD data located at a high performance computing cluster where simulations are generated, or as supplementary documentation for scientific research publications as a way to readily share MD results.
Developed by integrating state-of-the-art web technologies ( NodeJS + WebGL + JavaScript + HTML5 + CSS3 ), HTMoL is easy to install, configure and customize on any web-server. HTMoL can be embedded inside a web page or used full-size, and it does not require any other third-party package to be installed on the client-side. It works in all popular web browsers. Chrome or FireFox highly recommended.
Mauricio Carrillo-Tripp, PhD
Software Architecture and Engineering
Lead Developer
v1.0 Leonardo Alvarez-Rivera, Francisco Javier Becerra-Toledo, Adan Vega-Ramírez
v2.0 Javier García-Vieyra
v3.0 Omar Israel Lara-Ramírez, Eduardo González-Zavala, Emmanuel Quijas-Valadés, Julio Cesar González-Vázquez
v3.5 Leonardo Alvarez-Rivera
Copyright (C) 2014
The HTMoL License Agreement specifies that any reports or published results shared with HTMoL shall acknowledge its use and credit the developers as:
Any published work which utilizes HTMoL shall include the following reference:
Mauricio Carrillo-Tripp, Leonardo Alvarez-Rivera, Omar IsraelLara-Ramírez, Francisco Javier Becerra-Toledo, Adan Vega-Ramírez,Emmanuel Quijas-Valades, Eduardo González-Zavala, Julio CesarGonzález-Vázquez, Javier García-Vieyra, Nelly Beatriz Santoyo-Rivera,Amilcar Meneses-Viveros and Sergio V. Chapa-Vergara. HTMoL: full-stack solution for remote access, visualization, and analysis of Molecular Dynamics trajectory data. Submmited (2017) Preprint:
Electronic documents shall include a direct link to the official HTMoL page:
Proper citation is essential to continued funding for HTMoL development, as it is a primary way in which we demonstrate the value of our software to the scientific community. Thank you for your attention to these details.