
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Allows coding HTML transformation via a CSS-like declarative Object

Directives (akin to sheets)

Array of objects or just one object, keys are CSS selectors

    h3: e=>a.length + " animals total",
   	li: e=>,i)=>({
            className: "text-danger",
            title: 	"#"+(i+1)
  	'li big': e=>({ 
            className: Math.random

Directive Keys (akin to selectors)


CSS selectors for the rules

Directive Values (akin to rules)

A collection of key:value pairs, or a string of content, an array of new clone's content/props, or a function that returns one of those values.

Rule Functions

h3: e=> data.animals.length + " animals total", // returns a string to set content

Functions simply return one of the value types below in a late-run fashion.

Rule String

"h3.status": "Ready", // a string sets content

Strings simply define the content of any element(s) the key matches.

Rule Arrays

option: ["M", "T", "W", "R", "F"], // populate select with days

Arrays clone the matched element(s) and append one for each element of the array. If the array is an Array of Strings, the clone's content will be set by the string. If it's an Array of Objects, the rule objects procedure is applied to each clone.

Rule Objects

Rule objects define one or more transformations on the same matched selector elements. Like rule key selectors, rule object property keys point to specific properties or attributes, with a couple enhancements as well. Like rule values, the type of the rule object property value determines its effect on the match element(s).

Rule Object Keys (akin to property)

Name a property of the element, with two special additions: a + postfix will cause the value to be appended (as a string or added as a number on content/attribs), while a @ prefix will set an attribute with the property. Using both (@attribute+) appends an attribute with the value.

Rule Object Values (akin to value)

Must be a Function, Number, String, or Boolean. Objects will be assessed using .toString().

Function Rule Object Values

Defines events for keys like onclick and provides lambda for non-events. Use functions for events as properties, not as attributes. If you want to bind event attributes, use a string because functions are treated as lambda when attributes (@) are detected.

{//	key		value	
    "@title":	x=> "Element #"+index,
    onclick: function(e){ alert("Clicks work!"); },

Array Rule Object Values

Define arguments to pass to an element method, and are only valid in that context.

"scrollIntoView":	[true, true]

String/Number Rule Object Values

Set or append properties and attributes.

{//	key		value	
    "@title":	"Sets title attribute to this text",
    className:	"class tokens go here",
    "value+":	" appends to value property",
    "selectedIndex+": 1 // move to next option in a select

Boolean Rule Object Values

Controls boolean properties and attribs. In attribute mode, it will remove an attrib if false and set the attrib to "" if true. For properties, it will simple set the property to the value.

{//	key		value	
    "@disabled":	true, // sets disabled=""
    "@readonly":	false, // removes the readonly attrib
    hidden:	true // hides the element using the hidden DOM4 property

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